Entries for ' Student Learning'

Liz Murdock LaFortune. Review of the book Contemplative Studies in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Student Learning, Jossey Bass, Learning Style, Liz Murdock LaFortune, Interpersonal relations
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Book by Carrie Winstanley Review by Alicia Cobb, MSW, Assistant Program Manager- Center for Success Coaching, Florida State University Every stu...

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Stylus, Student Learning, Challange and Support
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Keri Bowman review of the book Alternative Strategies for Evaluating Student Learning by Achacoso, Michelle V., Svinicki, Marilla D. A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Student Learning, Book Review, Evaluation , Keri Bowman
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Ember Keithley. Review of the book A Survival Guide for Students. A publication of Thomas Delmar Learning.

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Student Learning, student success, Ember Keithley, Thomson Delmar Learning
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