Entries for 'Michael J. Magee'

Michael J. Magee. Review of the book Understanding and Promoting Transformative Learning: A Guide for Educators of Adults. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Non-Traditional Students, Jossey Bass, Michael J. Magee, adult students
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Michael J. Magee. Academic Advising: New Insights for Teaching and Learning in the First Year. A publication of the National Resource Center for the First Year Experience.

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National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, Retention, Michael J. Magee, first-year, freshmen, advising
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Michael J. Magee. Review of the book Creating and Maintaining Safe College Campuses. A Stylus publication

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Stylus, Michael J. Magee, safety, crisis preperation
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Michael J. Magee. Review of the book Doctoral education and the faculty of the future. A publication of the Cornell University Press

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Graduate Students, Cornell University Press, Michael J. Magee
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