Entries for 'Sybil L. Holloway'

Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Life During College: Your Guide to Success, 2nd Edition. A publication of Life After Graduation.

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Orientation , Life After Graduation, Sybil L. Holloway, freshman, fye
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Faculty at the margins. A Jossey Bass publication

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Jossey Bass, Sybil L. Holloway, faculty, non-traditional
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Sybil L. Holloway review of the book Contradictions in Women’s Education:  Traditionalism, Careerism, and Community at a Single-Sex College by Barbara J. Bank & Harriet M. Yelon. A Teachers College Press publication.

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Sybil L. Holloway, Book Review, higher education, community, women's education, traditionalism, careerism, single-sex college
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book Assessing Organizational Performance in Higher Education. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, , Assessment, Sybil L. Holloway
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Sybil L. Holloway. Review of the book The unchosen me. A publication of The John Hopkins University press.

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John Hopkins University Press, Sybil L. Holloway, Minority student populations
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