identified by members of the Professional Development Committee and the Advisor Training and Development Community
Overall Core Competency development
Core Competency Areas

Digital Recording: Building Advisor Competency: Conceptual Understanding Component
Understanding of the history and role of academic advising in higher education.
- Clearinghouse History & Philosophy Index
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- Pocket Guide: What is Academic Advising?: An Introduction to the Field
- NACADA Journal. Aiken-Wisniewski, Johnson, Larson, & Barkemeyer. (2015). A Preliminary Report of Advisor Perceptions of Advising and of a Profession.
- NACADA Journal. Smith & Allen. (2014). Does Contact With Advisros Predict Judgments and Attitudes Consistent With Student Success? A Multi-Institutional Study
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Development Academic Advising: A 40-Year Contect.
- NACADA Journal. Applegate. (2012). Graduating the 21st Century Student: Advising As If Their Lives (and Our Future) Depended on It
- NACADA Journal. Shockley-Zalebak. (2012). Advisors as Interaction Designers.
- NACADA Journal. Cunningham & Smothers. (2010). The Effect of Self-efficacy and Psychosocial Development on Major-Changing Behvarior.
- NACADA Journal. Shaffer, Zalewski, & Leveille. (2010). The Professionalism of Academic Advising: Where Are We in 2010?
- NACADA Journal. (2009). An Interview with Harvey W. Wall: Personal Perspectives on the History of Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Beatty. (2009). The National Academic Advising Association: A Brief Narrative History.
- NACADA Journal. Gordon. (2009). New Horizons: Learning From The Past and Preparing for the Future.
- NACADA Journal. Pascarella & Terenzini. (2009). The Impact of College on Students: Myths, Rational Myths, and Some Other Things That May Note Be True.
- NACADA Journal. Trombley & Holmes. (2009). Defining the Role of Academic Advising in the Industrial Setting: The Next Phase.
- Academic Advising Today. McElwee. (2017). College Affordability: The Central Role for Academic Advisors.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2017). A Life of Service to NACADA, Our Profession, and Students Across the World: Virginia Gordon aka "The Boss".
- Academic Advising Today. Van Ranken & Kennedy. (2017). Student Leader Perspectives on Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Noonan & Stapley. (2015). The Demise of In-Person Academic Advising is Nowhere in Sight!
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2014). From the Executive Director: We've Only Just Begun.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2014). From the Executive Director: Academic Advising - The Next Generation.
- Academic Advising, A Comprehensive Handbook (2008), Chapter 1, History and Foundations of Academic Advising
- Beyond Foundations: Developing as a Master Advisor (2016), Chapter 1, The Evolution of Academic Advising as a Practice and as a Profession
Understanding of NACADA's Core Values of Academic Advising.
Understanding of theory relevant to academic advising.
- Clearinghouse Advising Theory Index
- On YouTube: Emerging Issues in Academic Advising Theory
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- NACADA Journal. Paul & Fitzpatrick. (2015). Advising as Servant Leadership: Investigating Student Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Himes. (2014). Strengthening Academic Advising by Developing a Normative Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Muehleck, Smith, & Allen. (2014). Understanding the Advising Learning Process Using Learning Taxonomies.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Development Academic Advising: A 40-Year Contect.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Soria & Stebleton. (2013). Major Decisions: Motivations for Selecting a Major, Satisfaction, and Belonging.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2012). Assessing Academic Advising Outcomes Using Social Cognitive Theory: A Validity and Reliability Study.
- NACADA Journal. Shcamplin-Scharff. (2010). Advising with Understanding: Considering Hermeneutic Theory in Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Borgard. (2009). Toward a Pragmatic Philosophy of Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Lessenger. (2019). Advising Emerging Adults: How Adult Education Theory Can Inform Advising Practices for Traditional Undergraduate Students.
- Academic Advising Today. McGimpsey. (2019). Paternalism in Academic Advising: A Student Perspective.
- Academic Advising Today. Ewing-Cooper & Merrifield. (2019). The Eight Crises of College Students: Advising with Erikson across a Student's Academic Lifespan.
- Academic Advising Today. Higgins. (2017). The Advising Relationship is at the Core of Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Clark. (2017). Discovering the Fire: A PALEO Framework for Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Ross. (2017). Adapting Solution-Focused Questioning into Advising
- Academic Advising Today. Cunningham. (2015). Advisors Discuss: Advising is Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Lowenstein. (2012). Theoretical Reflections: Why a Theory of Advising?
- Academic Advising Today. Musser. (2012). Theoretical Reflections: Constructivist Foundations for Academic Advising.
- eTutorial: Theory & Practice
- The New Advisory Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Academic Advising (2015). Chapter 4, Theory Matters
- Academic Advising, A Comprehensive Handbook (2008), Chapter 2, Theoretical Foundations of Academic Advising
Understanding of academic advising approaches and strategies.
- Clearinghouse: An End to Checklist Thinking: Learning-Centered Advising in Practice
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- On YouTube: Effective Academic Advising Strategies
- On YouTube: Cultivating the Potential in At-Risk Students
- On YouTube: A Strengths Development Approach to Advising
- NACADA Journal. Donaldson, McKinney, Lee & Pino. (2016). First-Year Community College Students' Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Intrusive Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Pulcini. (2016). Appreciative Advising to Promote Degree Completion by Appalachian Women.
- NACADA Journal. Puroway. (2016). Critical Advising: A Freirian-Inspired Approach.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden. (2016). Ties That Bind: Academic Advisors as Agents of Student Relationship Management.
- NACADA Journal. Walters. (2016). Developing Competency-Based Practices in Response to Paradigm Shifts in Higher Education.
- NACADA Journal. Xyst. (2016). Constructivism, Dewey, and Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Milsom & Coughlin. (2015). Satisfaction With College Major: A Grounded Theory Study
- NACADA Journal. Newell. (2015). International Student-Athlete Adjustment Issues: Advising Recommendations for Effective Transitions.
- NACADA Journal. Paul & Fitzpatrick. (2015). Advising as Servant Leadership: Investigating Student Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden & Barlow. (2015). Strengthen the Bond: Relationaship Between Academic Advising Quality and Undergraduate Student Loyalty
- NACADA Journal. Wiley & Williams. (2015). Librarian as Advisor: Information Seach Process of Undecided Students and Novice Researchers.
- NACADA Journal. Workman. (2015). Exploratory Students' Experiences With First-Year Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Zhang. (2015). Intercultural Communication Competence: Advising International Students in a Texas Community College.
- NACADA Journal. Rodgers, Blunt, & Trible. (2014). A Real PLUSS: An Intrusive Advising Program for Underprepared STEM Students.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Development Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Johnson. (2013). Assessing Academic Risk of Student-Athletes: Applicability of the NCAA Graduation Risk Overview Model to GPA.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Thompson. (2013). Tangled in a Complex Web of Relationships: Athletic/Academic Advisors Negotiating Privacy Disclosure Warnings Wtih College Student-Athletes.
- NACADA Journal. Wai-Ling Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Gravel. (2012). Student-Advisor Interaction in Undergraduate Online Degree Programs: A Factor in Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Harding-DeKam, Hamilton, & Loyd. (2012). The Hidden Curriculum of Doctoral Advising.
- NACADA Journal. McGrath & Burd. (2012). A Success Course for Freshmen on Academic Probation: Persistence and Graduation Outcomes.
- NACADA Journal. Montag, Campo, Weissman, Walmsley, & Snell. (2012). In Their Own Words: Best Practices for Advising Millennial Students About Majors.
- NACADA Journal. Paul, Smith, & Dochney. (2012). Advising as Servant Leadership: Investigating the Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Soria & Mumpower. (2012). Critical Building Blocks: Mandatory Prerequisite Registration Systems and Student Success.
- NACADA Journal. Bloom, Tripp, & Shaffer. (2011). Academic and Career Advising of Scanners.
- NACADA Journal. Demetriou. (2011). The Attribution Theory of Learning and Advising Students on Academic Probation.
- NACADA Journal. Ryan, Carlstrom, Hughey, & Harris. (2011). From Boots to Books: Applying Scholssberg's Model to Transitioning American Veterans.
- NACADA Journal. Shaffer & Zalewski. (2011). "It's What I Have Always Wanted to Do." Advising the Foreclosure Student.
- NACADA Journal. Stebleton. (2011). Understanding Immigrant College Students: Applying a Developmental Ecology Framework to the Practice of Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Thompson & Gilchrist. (2011). The Academic Advisor's Playbook: Seeking Compliance from College Student-Athletes.
- NACADA Journal. Bitz. (2010). Measuring Advisor Relationship Perceptions Among F irst-Year Students at a Small Midwestern University.
- NACADA Journal. Gerdes & Crews. (2010). Developing Course Profiles to Match Course Characteristics with Student Learning Styles.
- NACADA Journal. Keeling. (2010). The Influence of the CAS Standards on Academic Advisors and Advising Programs.
- NACADA Journal. Baruch-Runyon, VanZandt, & Elliott. (2009). Forging Connections: An Investigation of New Students' Perspectives of Their Transition to the University.
- NACADA Journal. Crookston. (2009). A Developmental View of Academic Advising as Teaching.
- NACADA Journal. Ford & Stoma Ford. (2009). A Caring Attitude and Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Grites & Gordon. (2009). Developmental Academic Advising Revisited.
- NACADA Journal. Hemwall & Trachte. (2009). Learning at the Core: Toward a new Understanding of Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Henning. (2009). Students' Motivation to Access Academic Advising Services.
- NACADA Journal. Lowenstein. (2009). If Advising is Teaching, What Do Advisors Teach?
- NACADA Journal. O'Banion. (2009). An Academic Advising Model.
- NACADA Journal. Shaffer. (2009). A Human Capital Approach to Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. McGimpsey. (2019). Paternalism in Academic Advising: A Student Perspective.
- Academic Advising Today. Almanzar, Hapes & Rowe. (2018). Strategies for a Successful Graduate Student Orientation Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Lucero. (2018). Provocative Moments in Advising: Guiding Students Toward Self-Authorship
- Academic Advising Today. McCoy. (2018). Holistic Approaches to Advising Students on Academic Probation.
- Academic Advising Today. Snyder & Zona. (2018). The Returning Adult Learner: Advising Strategies to Support Their Degree Completion Efforts.
- Academic Advising Today. Clark. (2017). Discovering the Fire: A PALEO Framework for Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Hendricks. (2017). Advising Mindfully: Increasing Attention and Effectiveness.
- Academic Advising Today. Hirsch. (2017). Collaborative Note Writing.
- Academic Advising Today. Imbeah. (2017). The Blended Position: A Growing Trend.
- Academic Advising Today. Jones, Larison, Rollins & Wahjudi. (2017). The EDGE of the Murky Middle: Inquisitive Advising for Student Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Ross. (2017). Adapting Solution-Focused Questioning into Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Blanchot-Aboubi. (2015). First-Year Seminars and Advising: How Advisors Make a Lifelong Impact.
- Academic Advising Today. Cross. (2015). Professional Staff as Graduate Student Academic Advisors.
- Academic Advising Today. Johnson. (2015). The Neighborhood Academy Advisory Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Kyllo. (2015). Undeclared: How Picking a Major is like Picking a Life Partner.
- Academic Advising Today. Asbury, Lively, & Eckerty. (2014). Elevation through Collaboration: Successful Interventions for Students on Probation.
- Academic Advising Today. Bergeron. (2014). Study Structure and Techniques Must be Taught to Probation Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Damminger. (2014). From the President: The Changing Tapestry of Higher Education - Do Not Overlook the Important Role of Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Francis. (2014). Conversational Advising: An Organic Approach.
- Academic Advising Today. Preece, Wong, Walch, Windham, Chapman, & Hosford. (2014). Suspension or Dismissal without Time Away: Implications for an Alternative Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Reddick, Trifilo, Asby, Majewski, & Geissler. (2014). Maximizing the Use of an Early Alert System through Advisor Outreach.
- Academic Advising Today. Salinas, Jensen, & Reischi. (2014). Bridging the Gap between Academics and Advising: Incorporating Student Development into a Large Upper Division Lecture Course.
- Academic Advising Today. Selberg, Maxa, & Busscher. (2014). Life after Probation.
- Academic Advising Today. Tifft. (2014). Increasing Motivation in Probation Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Albright, Martel, & Webster. (2012). No More Missed Opportunities: Using the Foreclosure Model to Advise Pre-Nursing and Nursing Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Kirkner & Levinson. (2012). Career Decision Making in a Brief Advising Context: Yes We Can!
- Academic Advising Today. Klein. (2012). Academic Support for Undergraduate Nursing Students: A Proactive Approach.
- Academic Advising Today. Varney. (2012). Proactive (Intrusive) Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Zabel & Rothberger. (2012). Peer Advising: Bridging the Gap Between Professional Advisor and Student.
- Academic Advising Today. Zost. (2012). Perception is Key to Overcoming Academic Probation.
- Academic Advising Approaches: Strategies That Teach Student to Make the Most of College
Understanding of expected outcomes of academic advising.
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- On YouTube: Steps in Developing an Assessment Plan for Academic Advising
- On YouTube: Learning Outcomes for Academic Advising
- NACADA Journal. Vianden. (2016). Ties That Bind: Academic Advisors as Agents of Student Relationship Management.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden & Barlow. (2015). Strengthen the Bond: Relationships Between Academic Advising Quality and Undergraduate Student Loyalty.
- NACADA Journal. Muehleck, Smith, & Allen. (2014). Understanding the Advising Learning Process Using Learning Taxonomies.
- NACADA Journal. Powers, Carlstrom & Hughey. (2014). Academic Advising Assessment Practices: Results of a National Study.
- NACADA Journal. Robbins. (2014). AAC&U's Integrative Liberal Learning and the CAS Standards: Advising for a 21st Century Education.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Elt. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Development Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Student With Chronic Illiness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Mansson & Myers. (2013). Mentoring Support and Relational Uncertainty in the Advisor-Advisee Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2013). Capturing the Student Perspective: A New Instrument for Measuring Advising Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Wai-Ling Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2011). Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Academic Advising to Assess Student Learning Outcomes.
- NACADA Journal. Keeling. (2010). The Influence of the CAS Standards on Academic Advisors and Advising Programs.
- Academic Advising Today. McDaniel. (2018). Developing Advising Outcomes at NACADA Summer Institute.
- Academic Advising Today. Halder & Moir. (2017). Charting the Course: Ten Attitudes and Behaviors Essential to Assessment Success.
- Academic Advising Today. McFarlane. (2017). Mandatory Advising, Yes or No?
- Academic Advising Today. Thomas. (2017). Academic Advising and Institutional Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Baldridge. (2014). Making Sense of Advisement in a Dr. Suess World.
- Academic Advising Today. LaFortune. (2012). Education is a Journey, Not a Commute: A Personal Philosophy of Academic Advising.
- Pocket Guide: What is Academic Advising?: An Introduction to the Field
- NACADA Assessment Institute
Understanding of how equitable and inclusive environments are created and maintained.

Digital Recording: Building Advisor Competency: Informational Knowledge Component
Knowledge of institution specific history, mission, vision, values, and culture.
Knowledge of curriculum, degree programs, and other academic requirements and options.
Knowledge of institution specific policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.
Knowledge of legal guidelines of advising practice, including privacy regulations and confidentiality.
Knowledge of the characteristics, needs, and experiences of major and emerging student populations.
- Clearinghouse: Student Populations Index
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Informational Component of Advising: Policies, Procedures and Beyond
- On YouTube: Advising Undecided/Undeclared Students for Success
- On YouTube: Advising Students on Academic Probation
- On YouTube: Cultivating the Potential in At-Risk Students
- On YouTube: Academic Advising for Adult Learners
- NACADA Journal. Donaldson, McKinney, Lee, & Pino. (2016). First-Year Community College Students' Perceptions of and Attitudes Toward Instrusive Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Leach & Patall. (2016). Need-Supportive Advising for Undecided Students.
- NACADA Journal. Longwell-Grice, Adsitt, Mullins, & Serrata. (2016). The First Ones: Three Studies on First-Generation College Students.
- NACADA Journal. Pulcini. (2016). Appreciative Advising to Promote Degree Completion by Appalachian Women.
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2016). When Music Goes Up in Flames: The Impact of Advising on Music Major Burnout.
- NACADA Journal. Walters. (2016). Developing Competency-Based Advising Practices in Response to Paradigm Shifts in Higher Education.
- NACADA Journal. Milsom & Coughlin. (2016). Satisfaction With College Major: A Grounded Theory Study.
- NACADA Journal. Newell. (2015). International Student-Athlete Adjustment Issues: Advising Recommendations for Effective Transitions.
- NACADA Journal. Wiley & Williams. (2015). Librarian as Advisor: Information Search Process of Undecided Students and Novice Researchers.
- NACADA Journal. Workman. (2015). Exploratory Students' Experiences With First-Year Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Zhang. (2015). Intercultural Communication Competence: Advising International Students in a Texas Community College.
- NACADA Journal. Bullock-Yowell, McConnell, & Schedin. (2014). Decided and Undecided Students: Career Self-efficacy, Negative Thinking, and Decision-Making Difficulties.
- NACADA Journal. Ellis. (2014). Academic Advising Experiences of First-Year Undecided Students: A Qualitative Study.
- NACADA Journal. Robertson, Lewine, & Sommers. (2014). Perserveration and Academic Failure in Healthy Male Undergraduates.
- NACADA Journal. Rodgers, Blunt & Trible. (2014). A Real PLUSS: An Intrusive Advising Program for Underprepared STEM Students.
- NACADA Journal. Shaffer. (2014). Advising Financially At-Risk Students: Detecting and Addressing Premature Affluence.
- NACADA Journal. Soria & Bultmann. (2014). Supporting Working-Class Students in Higher Education.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Student With Chronic Illness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Johnson. (2013). Assessing Academic Risk of Student-Athletes: Applicability of the NCAA Graduation Risk Overview Model to GPA.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Mansson. (2013). Mentoring Support and Relational Uncertainty in the Advisor-Advisee Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Soria & Stebleton. (2013). Major Decisions: Motivations for Selecting a Major, Satisfaction, and Belonging.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Thompson. (2013). Tangled in a Complex Web of Relationships: Athletic/Academic Advisors Negotiating Privacy Disclosure Warnings With College Student-Athletes.
- NACADA Journal. Wai-Ling & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Walters. (2013). Capturing the Student Perspective: A New Instrument for Measuring Student Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Carduner, Padak, & Reynolds. (2011). Exploratory Honors Students: Academic Major and Career Decision Making.
- NACADA Journal. Ryan, Carlstrom, Hughey, & Harris. (2011). From Boots to Books: Applying Scholssberg's Model to Transitioning American Veterans.
- NACADA Journal. Cunningham & Smothers. (2010). The Effect of Self-efficacy and Psychosocial Deelopment on Major-Changing Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Oliver, Ricard, Witt, Alvarado, & Hill. (2010). Creating College Advising Connections: Comparing Motivational Beliefs of Early College High School Students to Traditional First-Year University Students.
- NACADA Journal. Shaw & Barbuti. (2010). Patterns of Persistence in Intended College Major with a Focus on STEM Majors.
- Academic Advising Today. Matthews. (2019). Approaches for Advising and Supporting Black Queer and Gender Nonconforming Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Burdick, Chiaravelotti, & Martin. (2019). Learning from their Stories: The Development of a Comprehensive Support Program for Academically at Risk Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Ayeni. (2018). Exploring the Relationship between Experience, Expectation, and Academic Performance.
- Academic Advising Today. Kersey. (2018). How to Identify Academically Grieving Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Ali. (2017). Parental Involvement in Higher Education: A Perspective from United Arab Emirates.
- Academic Advising Today. Avalos, Briggs, & Martinez. (2017). The Winding Road: How Today's Student Consumes Higher Education.
- Academic Advising Today. Bumbalough. (2017). Understanding Readjustment, PTSD, and Disability with Recently Separated Veterans.
- Academic Advising Today. Carlman. (2017). Are You My Advisor?: Essential Insight into Adult Learners
- Academic Advising Today. Dillard. (2017). Chickering's Seven Vectors and Student Veteran Development
- Academic Advising Today. Martin. (2017). Integrative Advising and Student-Athletes at Highly Selective Institutions.
- Academic Advising Today. Onishi. (2017). Academic Advisors and Study Abroad Counselors in Japan.
- Academic Advising Today. Stapley & Bieber. (2017). Appropriate Advising for Student-Athletes: It Takes a Village.
- Academic Advising Today. Yale. (2017). Understanding Culture Shock in International Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Brazzale. (2015). The MA Student In Need of Improved Career Advisement.
- Academic Advising Today. Larkin, Crumb, Fountain, Glenn, & Smith. (2015). Managing Mental Health Situations in the Advising Office.
- Academic Advising Today. Morton. (2015). It Takes a Village: An Advisory Group for Transfer Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Sapp & Williams. (2015). Best Practices in Advising Non-traditional Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Shiroma. (2015). What Academic Advisors Can Do to Positively Influence the Motivation of Underserved Students of Color.
- Academic Advising Today. Howard. (2014). Undocumented Students in Higher Education: Beneficial Information.
- Academic Advising Today. McReynolds. (2014). Lessening the Culture Shock: Military Life vs. Student Life.
- Academic Advising Today. Rans. (2014). The Resiliency of Adult Learners.
- Academic Advising Today. Holmes. (2012). Serving High Achieving Students Through 'Honors Tracks'.
- Academic Advising Today. Mansour & Al-Abdurazzaq. (2012). Academic Advising Challenges at an American-Style University in Kuwait.
- Academic Advising Today. Martin & James. (2012). 15 Tips on the Basics of Advising Student Athletes.
- Academic Advising Today. Nakayama. (2012). Advising for Activism: Encouraging Teacher Candidates to Establish Parent and Community Relationships.
- Academic Advising Today. Sotolongo. (2012). In Limbo: Challenges Faced by Undocumented Students in Higher Education.
- Academic Advising Today. Smith Olsey. (2011). Advising Bob.
- Pocket Guide: Academic and Career Advising for Undecided, Exploring, and Major-Changing Students
- Academic Advising, A Comprehensive Handbook (2008), Part 2, Chapters 8-13
- Beyond Foundations: Developing as a Master Advisor (2016), Chapter 6, Knowing and Reaching Students
- Digital Recording: Advising ESL and International Students
- Digital Recording: Advising Transfer Students: Strategies for Today's Realities and Tomorrow's Challenges
- Digital Recording: Advising Strategies for Students who are on Academic Probation, Facing Dismissal, or Seeking Reinstatement
- Digital Recording: LGBTQA Ally Development and Advocacy Empowerment for Academic Advisors
- Digital Recording: Soldiers to Students: Academic Advising for Returning Veterans
- eTutorial: Undecided Students
- eTutorial: Advising First-Generation Students
Knowledge of campus and community resources that support student success.
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Informational Component of Advising: Policies, Procedures and Beyond
- On YouTube: College Student Mental Health: Information & Suggestions for Academic Advising
- NACADA Journal. Donaldson, McKinney, Lee, & Pino. (2016). First-Year Community College Students' Preceptions of and Attitudes Toward Intrusive Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Rodgers, Blunt, & Trible. (2014). A Real PLUSS: An Instrusive Advising Program for Underprepared STEM Students.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Developmental Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Students with Chronic Illness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Johnson. (2013). Assessing Academic Risk of Student-Athletes: Applicability of the NCAA Graduation Risk Overview Model to GPA.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Mansson & Myers. (2013). Mentoring Support and Relational Uncertainty in the Advisor-Advisee Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Wai-Ling Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Carlstrom. (2011). Living the Good (Work) Life: Implications of General Values for Work Values.
- NACADA Journal. Stebleton. (2011). Understanding Immigrant College Students: Applying a Developmental Ecology Framework to the Practice of Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Shaffer & Zalewski. (2011). Career Advising in a VUCA Environment.
- NACADA Journal. Zalewski & Shaffer. (2011). Advising Students to Value and Develop Emotional Labor Skills for the Workplace.
- Academic Advising Today. Matthews. (2019). Approaches for Advising and Supporting Black Queer and Gender Nonconforming Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Streufert. (2019). Career Advising: A Call for Universal Integration and Curriculum.
- Academic Advising Today. Farber. (2018). Temple University Advisor Mentoring Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Hortis. (2018). The Odyssey: How to Help Students Reach Their Ithaca.
- Academic Advising Today. Martin, King, & Powers. (2017). Using Your Entire Arsenal Instead of a Silver Bullet.
- Academic Advising Today. Zahorik. (2017). From the President: The Power of Partnerships.
- Academic Advising Today. Bothner & Stapley. (2014). Academic Advising: The Key to Increasing Retention among Students with Anxiety Disorders.
- Academic Advising Today. Ortgies-Young & Garrett. (2014). Unplanned Pregnancy Prevention: An Academic Advising Curriculum to Enhance Student Retention and College Completion.
- Academic Advising Today. Wortham. (2014). Intrusive Advising: At-Risk Students on a Commuter University Campus.
- Academic Advising Today. Irvin. (2012). A New Attitude: Rethinking Advisor Interaction with Parents.
- Academic Advising Today. Nobili & Jensen. (2012). Supporting an Out-of-State Student Population through Living-Learning Communities.
- Administrators Institute
Knowledge of information technology applicable to relevant advising roles.
- Clearinghouse Technology Index
- Clearinghouse: Steele (2016), Creating a Flipped Advising Approach
- Technology in Advising Commission-sponsored survey
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Informational Component of Advising: Policies, Procedures and Beyond
- NACADA Journal. Junco, Mastrodicasa, Vance Aguiar, Longnecker, & Rokkum. (2016). Impact of Technology-Mediated Communication on Student Evaluations of Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Gaines. (2014). Technology and Academic Advising: Student Usage and Preferences.
- Academic Advising Today. Miller & Calchera. (2019). A Fresh Approach to Advising Through Innovative Technology.
- Academic Advising Today. Underwood & Anderson. (2018). Technology and Academic Advising: A Case for Embracing Change in Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Anderson Mueller & Meyer. (2017). Design a Sustainable Online Advising Option.
- Academic Advising Today. van Loveren Geis. (2015). Advising Portfolios and Orientation as a Retention Tool.
- Academic Advising Today. Underwood & Underwood. (2015). Technology's Evolving Role in Prescriptive and Developmental Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Liang, Jeong, Wellman, Manning, Barnett, Li, & Yu. (2014). Academic Advising Records on Google Drive: Sharing, Accuracy, and Accessiblity.
- Academic Advising Today. Pawelek & Cantu. (2014). Advising plus Texting equals Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Cunningham. (2012). From Newsletter to ePub and Beyond: AAT and the Technology Adoption Lifecyle.
- Academic Advising Today. Duberstein. (2012). Use of NACADA Webinars for Professional Development.
- Academic Advising Today. Robinson. (2012). Leeds for Life: Preparing Our Students for Their Future.
- eTutorial: Understanding Technology and Advising

Digital Recording: Building Advisory Competency: Relational Skills Component
Ability to articulate a personal philosophy of academic advising.
Ability to create rapport and build academic advising relationships.
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Relational Component of Advising: Strategies for Effective Communication, Rapport Building & Student Engagement
- On YouTube: Breaking Bad News: Helping Students Make Good Alternative Choices
- On YouTube: Significant Conversations: The Art & Science of Communication in Transformational Advising
- On YouTube: Dialoguing with New Students and their Parents at the College Level
- NACADA Journal. Leach & Patall. (2016). Need-Supportive Advising for Undecided Students.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden. (2016). Ties That Bind: Academic Advisors as Agents of Student Relationship Management.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden & Barlow. (2015). Strengthen the Bond: Relationships Between Academic Advising Quality and Undergraduate Student Loyalty.
- NACADA Journal. Ellis. (2014). Academic Advising Experiences of First-Year Undecided Students: A Qualitative Study.
- NACADA Journal. Smith & Allen. (2014). Does Contact With Advisors Predict Judgments and Attitudes Consistent With Student Success? A Multi-institutional Study.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Developmental Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Students With Chronic Illiness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Soria & Stebleton. (2013). Major Decisions: Motivations for Selecting a Major, Satisfaction, and Belonging.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2013). Capturing the Student Perspective: A New Instrument for Measuring Advising Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Thompson. (2013). Tangled in a Complex Web of Relationships: Athletic/Academic Advisors Negotiating Privacy Disclosure Warnings With College Student-Athletes.
- NACADA Journal. Paul, Smith, & Dochney. (2012). Advising as Servant Leadership: Investigating the Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Scielzo, Neeper, & Smith-Jentsch. (2012). Preparatory Training, State of Goal Orientation, and Measuring Relationship Effectiveness.
- NACADA Journal. Barnes, Williams & Archer. (2010). Characteristics That Matter Most: Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Positive and Negative Advisor Attributes.
- NACADA Journal. Champlin-Scharff. (2010). Advising with Understanding: Considering Hermeneutic Theory in Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Ford & Ford. (2009). A Caring Attitude and Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Firestein. (2019). Advising Students Who Struggle Due To Traumatic Events.
- Academic Advising Today. Ali. (2018). Common Factors: Cultivating the Relational Component of Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Johnson & Ross. (2018). Advancing the Advisor's Toolkit: Improv Skills for Student Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Wicks. (2018). Using Collaboration Theory to Address the "How" of Relational Core Competencies.
- Academic Advising Today. Ali. (2017). Parental Involvement in Higher Education: A Perspective from the United Arab Emirates
- Academic Advising Today. Curley. (2017). Survival in the Face of Stress and Fear: How the Advisor Can Respond to Fight or Flight in Student Behavior.
- Academic Advising Today. Freedman. (2017). The Three Things I Learned in Biology Class.
- Academic Advising Today. Gaeraths. (2017). Meet Me Halfway: Advising as Part of the Whole Student Experience.
- Academic Advising Today. Hapes. (2017). Sexual Violence: Preparing Academic Advisors to Respond and Advocate.
- Academic Advising Today. Higgins. (2017). The Advising Relationship is at the Core of Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Hirsch & Bobbitt. (2017). From Hashtags to High-Fives: Ways to Promote Student Engagement.
- Academic Advising Today. Zahorik. (2017). From the President: Mattering Makes a Difference.
- Academic Advising Today. Bowers & Trent. (2014). Art Matters in Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Peacock. (2012). Academic Advisors and The Wizard of Oz.
- eTutorial: Theory & Practice
- eTutorial: Undecided Students
Ability to communicate in an inclusive and respectful manner.
- Clearinghouse Communication & Listening Skills Resources
- Clearinghouse Cultural Issues in Advising
- Clearinghouse. Cunningham. (2016). Multicultural Awareness Issues for Academic Advisors.
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Relational Component of Advising: Strategies for Effective Communication, Rapport Building & Student Engagement
- On YouTube: Academic Advising and Social Justice: Privilege, Diversity, and Student Success
- On YouTube: Expanding Your Comfort Zone: Strategies for Developing Cultural Competence in Academic Advising
- NACADA Journal. Puroway. (2016). Critical Advising: A Freirian-Inspired Approach.
- NACADA Journal. Zhang. (2015). Intercultural Communication Competence: Advising International Students in a Texas Community College.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Developmental Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Students With Chronic Illiness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Barnett, Roach, & Smith. (2006). Microskills, Advisor Behaviors that Improve Communication with Advisees
- Academic Advising Today. Matthews. (2019). Approaches for Advising and Supporting Black Queer and Gender Nonconforming Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Curtis Hill. (2019). Safe Conversations as a Relational Tool to Augment Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. McClain. (2015). Advising African American Males.
- Academic Advising Today Willow. (2015). On Binaries, Belonging, and Bravery: Honoring the Legacy of Leslie Feinberg.
- Academic Advising Today. Gissubel & Stapley. (2012). Developmental Insights to Enhance Advisor Communication with Students.
- Pocket Guide: Cultural Competence in Academic Advising: Skills for Working Effectively Across Cultures
- Pocket Guide: Academic Advising and Social Justice: An Advocacy Approach
- Digital Recording: Intersectionality: Understanding Our Students' Multifaceted Identities
- Digital Recording: Advising ESL and International Students
- Beyond Foundations: Developing as a Master Advisor (2016), Chapter 6, Knowing and Reaching Students
Ability to plan and conduct successful advising interactions.
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Relational Component of Advising: Strategies for Effective Communication, Rapport Building & Student Engagement
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2016). When Music Goes Up in Flames: The Impact of Advising on Music Major Burnout.
- NACADA Journal. Vianden. (2016). Ties That Bind: Academic Advisors as Agents of Student Relationship Management.
- NACADA Journal. Ellis. (2014). Academic Advising Experiences of First-Year Undecided Students: A Qualitative Study.
- NACADA Journal. Muehleck, Smith & Allen. (2014). Understanding the Advising Learning Process Using Learning Taxonomies.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2013). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Fullick, Smith-Jentsch, & Kendall. (2013). Advisees' Expectations for Support as Moderator Between Advisor Behavior and Advisee Perceptions of Advisor Behavior.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Developmental Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Students With Chronic Illiness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Johnson. (2013). Assessing Academic Risk of Student-Athletes: Applicability of the NCAA Graduation Risk Overview Model to GPA.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Mansson & Myers. (2013). Mentoring Support and Relational Uncertainty in the Advisor-Advisee Relationship.
- NACADA Journal. Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Thompson. (2013). Tangled in a Complex Web of Relationships: Athletic/Academic Advisors Negotiating Privacy Disclosure Warnings With College Student-Athletes.
- NACADA Journal. Gravel. (2012). Student-Advisor Interaction in Undergraduate Online Degree Programs: A Factor in Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. McGrath & Burd. (2012). A Succeds Course for Freshmen on Academic Probation: Persistence and Graduation Outcomes.
- NACADA Journal. Schwebel, Walburn, Llyce, & Jerrolds. (2012). Efficacy of Advising Outreach on Student Retention, Academic Progress and Achievement, and Frequency of Advising Contacts: A Longitudinal Randomized Trial.
- NACADA Journal. Shockley-Zalabak. (2012). Advisors as Interaction Designers.
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2012). Capturing the Student Perspective: A New Instrument for Measuring Advising Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Barnes, Williams, & Archer. (2010). Characteristics That Matter Most: Doctoral Students' Perceptions of Positive and Negative Advisor Attributes.
- NACADA Journal. Champlin-Scharff. (2010). Advising with Understanding: Considering Hermeneutic Theory in Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Ewing-Cooper & Merrifield. (2018). Advisors' Perceptions, Attitudes, and Suggestions for Working with Parents.
- Academic Advising Today. Hammond. (2017). How to Give Bad News.
- Academic Advising Today. Hirsch. (2017). Collaborative Note Writing
- Academic Advising Today. Wicks. (2017). Advising Against the Clock
- Academic Advising Today. Fong, Kahl, Mitchell, Pangrazi, & Rosenkrantz. (2015). The Student Centric Continuum: Recruit, Retain, and Return.
- Academic Advising Today. Kunkle. (2015). How Adviors Can Focus on Student Excuses to Prompt Behavior Change.
- Academic Advising Today. Stapley & Morecraft. (2015). College Student Bereavement: What Advisors Need to Know.
- Academic Advising Today. Allemand. (2014). Keeping Advising Sessions Energized.
- Academic Advising Today. Gruber & Moffitt. (2014). Using Reflective Writing to Enrich Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Barkemeyer. (2012). Breaking Bad News.
- eTutorial: Theory & Practice
- eTutorial: Undecided Students
Ability to promote student understanding of the logic and purpose of the curriculum.
Ability to facilitate problem solving, decision-making, meaning-making, planning, and goal setting.
- Clearinghouse: Values and Culture in Ethical Decision Making
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: Building the Framework: Advising as a Teaching and Learning Process
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Conceptual Component of Advising: Developing the Purpose, Values, and Frameworks for Why We Do What We Do
- On YouTube: Foundations of Academic Advising: The Relational Component of Advising: Strategies for Effective Communication, Rapport Building & Student Engagement
- On YouTube: Making Career Advising Integral to Academic Advising
- On YouTube: Advising Students on Academic Probation
- On YouTube: The Role of Faculty Advisors in Student Success
- NACADA Journal. Leach & Patallf. (2016). Need-Supportive Advising for Undecided Students.
- NACADA Journal. Milsom & Coughlin. (2015). Satisfaction With College Major: A Grounded Theory Study.
- NACADA Journal. Carlstrom & Hughey. (2014). Exploring Work Values: Helping Students Articulate Their Good (Work) Life.
- NACADA Journal. Cunningham & Smothers. (2014). The Effect of Career Cruising on the Self-efficacy of Students Deciding on Majors.
- NACADA Journal. Ellis. (2014). Academic Advising Experiences of First-Year Undecided Students: A Qualitative Study.
- NACADA Journal. Himes. (2014). Strengthening Academic Advising by Developing a Normative Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Muehleck, Smith, & Allen. (2014). Understanding the Advising Learning Process Using Learning Taxonomies.
- NACADA Journal. Burt, Young-Jones, Yadon, & Carr. (2013). The Advisor and Instructor as a Dynamic Duo: Academic Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs.
- NACADA Journal. Grites. (2013). Developmental Academic Advising: A 40-Year Context.
- NACADA Journal. Houman & Stapley. (2013). The College Experience for Students With Chronic Illiness: Implications for Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Johnson. (2013). Assessing Academic Risk of Student-Athletes: Applicability of the NCAA Graduation Risk Overview Model to GPA.
- NACADA Journal. Kurland & Siegel. (2013). Attachment and Student Success During the Transition to College.
- NACADA Journal. Packard & Jeffers. (2013). Advising and Progress in the Community College STEM Transfer Pathway.
- NACADA Journal. Swecker, Fifolt, & Searby. (2013). Academic Advising and First-Generation College Students: A Quantitative Study on Student Retention.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2012). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Kreitler, Dansereau, Barth, Repasky, & Miller. (2012). Evaluation of a Cognitive Tool for Enhanced Decision Making and Personal Change among College Students.
- NACADA Journal. Montag, Campo, Weissman, Walmsley, Snell. (2012). In Their Own Words: Best Practices for Advising Millennial Students about Majors.
- NACADA Journal. Wheland, Butler, Qammer, Bobkoff Katz, & Harris. (2012). What Are They Thinking? Students' Affective Reasoning and Attitudes about Course Withdrawal.
- NACADA Journal. Carlstrom. (2011). Living the Good (Work) Life: Implications of General Values for Work Values.
- NACADA Journal. Demetriou. (2011). The Attribution Theory of Learning and Advising Students on Academic Probation.
- NACADA Journal. Hughey. (2011). Strategies to Enhance Interpersonal Relations in Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Zalewski & Shaffer. (2011). Advising Students to Value and Develop Emotional Labor Skills for the Workplace.
- NACADA Journal. Champlin-Scharff. (2010). Advising with Understanding: Considering Hermeneutic Theory in Academic Advising.
- Academic Advising Today. Ellis & Rangel. (2018). Academic Advisors as First-Year Experience Instructors.
- Academic Advising Today. Curley. (2017). Survival in the Face of Stress and Fear: How the Advisor Can Respond to Fight or Flight in Student Behavior.
- Academic Advising Today. Freedman. (2017). When NOT to Parallel Plan: Advising Academically Grieving Students
- Academic Advising Today. Hernandez. (2017). Advisors Are Not Always Heroes, and That is OK.
- Academic Advising Today. Hill. (2017). Impact of Perfectionism on Students: The Good, the Bad, and the Indifferent.
- Academic Advising Today. Jasinski & Jenkins. (2017). Navigating Course Selection with Self-Knowledge: The Advising Puppy Takes the Bite out of Academic Planning.
- Academic Advising Today. Ortgies Young & Garrett. (2017). Advising for Democracy: Preparing Students for Informed, Active, and Caring Citizenship.
- Academic Advising Today. Pais. (2017). From Probation to Dean's List: Serving Underdog Students.
- Academic Advising Today. Bures & Sudja. (2015). Students Benefit from Early Dual-Path Invervention.
- Academic Advising Today. Malloy & Nielsen. (2015). Facilitating and Encouraging Student Exploration in the Health Professions through a Pre-Med Intake Major.
- Academic Advising Today. Porter, Gatlin, & Stanley. (2015). Sink or Swim! How Students and Advisors Navigate the Waves of Change.
- Academic Advising Today. Schauss & Thomas. (2015). The 'F' Word: Why Teaching Resiliency is Critical.
- Academic Advising Today. Javeed. (2012). Student Motivation: How to Inspire and Sustain It.
- Academic Advising Today. Switalski. (2012). Assisting Struggling Students out of STEM Disciplines and Toward Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Wheeler. (2012). From Inaction to Action: Recognizing the Language of Procrastination.
- eTutorial: Undecided Students
Ability to engage in on-going assessment and development of the advising practice.
- Clearinghouse Assessment Index
- On YouTube: Ensuring Advisor Success: Mastering the Art of Advising through the First Year of Advising and Beyond
- On YouTube: Steps in Developing an Assessment Plan for Academic Advising
- On YouTube: Conducting Needs Assessment for Professional Development
- On YouTube: Key Issues for Academic Advising Administrators
- On YouTube: Components of a Successful Faculty Advising Program: Institutional Commitment, Professional Development, Incentives, and Recognition
- NACADA Journal. Muehleck, Smith & Allen. (2014). Understanding the Advising Learning Process Using Learning Taxonomies.
- NACADA Journal. Powers, Carlstrom, & Hughey. (2014). Academic Advising Assessment Practices: Results of a National Study.
- NACADA Journal. Teasley & Buchanan. (2013). Capturing the Student Perspective: A New Instrument for Measuring Advising Satisfaction.
- NACADA Journal. Erlich & Russ-Eft. (2012). Assessing Student Learning in Academic Advising Using Social Cognitive Theory.
- NACADA Journal. Hurt & McLaughlin. (2012). An Applied Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Academic Advising.
- NACADA Journal. Aiken-Wisniewski, Smith, & Troxel. (2010). Expanding Research in Academic Advsiing: Methodological Strategies to Engage Advisors in Research.
- NACADA Journal. Keeling. (2010). The Influence of the CAS Standards on Academic Advisors and Advising Programs.
- NACADA Journal. Lowenstein. (2005). If Advising is Teaching, What Do Advisors Teach?
- Academic Advising Today. Bannon & Brewer. (2019). Setting the Stage: Onboarding Using NACADA's Core Competencies
- Academic Advising Today. Shiroma, Kirk-Kuwaye, & Brown. (2019). Being a Scholar-Practitioner: Why All Advisors Need to Engage in Scholarly Actitivies
- Academic Advising Today. Snyder & Zona. (2019). How Advisors and their Institutions Can use the Construct of Storytelling as a Renewable Resource.
- Academic Advising Today. Anderson. (2017). Assessment: It is a Process.
- Academic Advising Today. Baker, Brake, & Davis. (2017). Enhancing the Advising Profession Through Internships.
- Academic Advising Today. Brock. (2017). Navigating Change with the Help of the NACADA Administrator's Institute
- Academic Advising Today. Byington. (2017). Affirming, Challenging and Rewarding: The NACADA Summer Institute.
- Academic Advising Today. Du. (2017). Making Meaningful Connections at the 2017 NACADA Assessment Institute.
- Academic Advising Today. Doyle & Cunningham. (2017). NACADA Emerging Leaders Program Promotes and Celebrates Successful Leadership Development.
- Academic Advising Today. Garrod. (2017). The First Year of Developing a Retention Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Haider & Moir. (2017). Charting the Course: Ten Attitudes and Behaviors Essential to Assessment Success.
- Academic Advising Today. Harper & Smith. (2017). From the Ground Up: Creating In-House Professional Development Opportunities
- Academic Advising Today. Howe. (2017). How Focusing for One Week Can Lead to Major Changes: A Review of the NACADA Summer Institute.
- Academic Advising Today. Kollar. (2017). Before Creating a Centralized Advising Office at the College Level.
- Academic Advising Today. Larson. (2017). Data: Fast, Easy, and Transformative.
- Academic Advising Today. Miller. (2017). An Introvert's Guide to Becoming Involved in NACADA.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2017). From the Executive Director: NACADA Expanding Our Reach and Building New Bridges.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2017). From the Executive Director: Impacting Student Success, the Profession, Institutions, and the Globe.
- Academic Advising Today. Wuebker & Cook. (2017). Online Training for New Advisors.
- Academic Advising Today. Zahorik. (2017). From the President: Planning for Progress.
- Academic Advising Today. Quinn. (2015). At the Corner of Advising and Assessment.
- Academic Advising Today. Damminger. (2014). From the President: Staying the Course, NACADA and You.
- Academic Advising Today. Dollarhide. (2014). Assessment Rocks!
- Academic Advising Today. Johnson & Pasquini. (2014). Negotiating the Multiple Roles of Being an Advisor and Doctoral Student.
- Academic Advising Today. McIntire. (2014). A Faculty Advisor's Journey.
- Academic Advising Today. Morford. (2014). The Perfect Balance of Work and Play.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2014). From the Executive Director: Academic Advising Excellence Across the World.
- Academic Advising Today. Nutt. (2014). From the Executive Director: Waiting for the Future or Preparing for the Future?
- Academic Advising Today. Pollard, Justyna, & Cunningham. (2014). NACADA Emerging Leaders Program.
- Academic Advising Today. Regalado. (2014). From the President: Research, Diversity, and Leadership.
- Academic Advising Today. Ross. (2014). Preparing for a NACADA Presentation.
- Academic Advising Today. Smith. (2014). Advising, Curriculum Development, and Teaching: Making the Connection.
- Academic Advising Today. Wallace. (2014). Ten Skills Advisors Need for Promotion to the Next Level.
- Academic Advising Today. Alexander. (2012). Building Advising Workshops with Native Materials.
- Academic Advising Today. Ofsink & Hunt Ingersoll. (2012). Pushed Across the Finish: One University's Success in Helping Students Complete Their Degrees Despite Obstacles.
- Pocket Guide: What is Academic Advising?: An Introduction to the Field
- Beyond Foundations: Developing as a Master Advisor (2016), Chapters 14 & 15.
- Scholarly Inquiry in Academic Advising