identified by members of the Professional Development Committee and the Advisor Training and Development Community

Overall Core Competency development


Core Competency Areas


Conceptual icon.png

Digital Recording: Building Advisor Competency: Conceptual Understanding Component

C1 icon.png Understanding of the history and role of academic advising in higher education.

C2 icon.pngUnderstanding of NACADA's Core Values of Academic Advising.

C3 icon.pngUnderstanding of theory relevant to academic advising.

C4 icon.jpgUnderstanding of academic advising approaches and strategies.

C5 icon.pngUnderstanding of expected outcomes of academic advising.

C6 icon.pngUnderstanding of how equitable and inclusive environments are created and maintained.

Informational graphic.png

Digital Recording: Building Advisor Competency: Informational Knowledge Component

I1 icon.pngKnowledge of institution specific history, mission, vision, values, and culture

I2 icon.pngKnowledge of curriculum, degree programs, and other academic requirements and options

I3 icon.pngKnowledge of institution specific policies, procedures, rules, and regulations.

I4 icon.pngKnowledge of legal guidelines of advising practice, including privacy regulations and confidentiality.

I5 icon.pngKnowledge of the characteristics, needs, and experiences of major and emerging student populations

I6 icon.pngKnowledge of campus and community resources that support student success.

I7 icon.pngKnowledge of information technology applicable to relevant advising roles.

Relational graphic.png

Digital Recording: Building Advisory Competency: Relational Skills Component

R1 icon.pngAbility to articulate a personal philosophy of academic advising

R2 icon.pngAbility to create rapport and build academic advising relationships.

R3 icon.pngAbility to communicate in an inclusive and respectful manner

R4 icon.pngAbility to plan and conduct successful advising interactions.

R5 icon.pngAbility to promote student understanding of the logic and purpose of the curriculum.

R6 icon.pngAbility to facilitate problem solving, decision-making, meaning-making, planning, and goal setting.

R7 icon.pngAbility to engage in on-going assessment and development of the advising practice.

PG23 front cover