Reporting Expectations & Guidelines

What is it? 
One form submitted two times in a year that outlines the goals and outcomes for your group. The complete Division Unit Report is due August 15th annually. 
Every year, Chairs report out twice using a single form called the Division Unit Report. The report is divided into two sections:

Post-Conference Report
  1. Includes columns #1-6.  
    1. This report sets up the unit's goals and outcome measures for the year.  Goals are often defined at your Annual Conference business meeting, but can also be covered via email or Zoom meetings.  Goals should incorporate your unit's input and feedback.  Chairs must list at least two goals (aligned with NACADA Strategic goals) that include outcome measures.
    2. Complete columns #1-6 due for all communities. 
    3. This report is due November 15th annually. 

Dounload the Template (Word) or make it a Google Doc here. 

Annual Report
  1. Includes columns #7-8.  
    1. These columns summarize your progress on the goals and outcomes you listed in columns 1-6.  
    2. All communities complete columns #7-8 from your post-conference report. 
    3. This report is due August 15th annually. 

Send your report (Word or PDF) to the current ACD Reps, the current EO Liaison to the Advising Communities Division and your Cluster Rep.  Find your Reps contact info here.

Past Reports

Where is my group's last Post-Conference Report? 
Look for a copy here (left-hand column)

Where is my group's last Annual Report? 
Look for a copy here (left-hand column)

Community Snapshot
  • Optional for each Advising Community
  • Provides a 1-page quick overview of your group and is updated based on current trends and new resources. 
  • Due by November 15th 

Download the template


Templates & Helpful Links

To complete your Post-Conference report, please start with a new report template each year.  
To complete your Annual Report due August 15th, complete the final two columns on the Post-Conference Report you submitted on November 15th.

Copies of your AC's past reports are available in the left column on this page.

Helpful links:

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