Committees: Committees are established by the Board of Directors. Committee Chairs are elected by current members of the Committee and may be chosen from among current as well as past members of that Committee.
- Committee Chairs serve two-year terms. Committee Chairs must have served a full term as a Committee member (of the particular Committee).
- Committee members are appointed by the Committee Chairs with approval of the Division Representative.
- Each year, some Committee members rotate off Committees to allow for new members while assuring continuity in operations.
Advisory Boards: Advisory Boards are created by the NACADA President. Advisory Board Chairs are appointed to their positions and terms by the President.
- Advisory Board Chairs serve two-year terms and may be reappointed.
- Members of Advisory Boards are appointed by the NACADA President.
- Each year, some Advisory Board members rotate off an AB to allow for new members while assuring continuity in operations.