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Advice or advise? The semantics matter. Our students deserve the experience of advising, so let’s answer that call...
What do nontraditional female students say about their experience as adult learners? Their voices speak eloquently to advisors about the importance of listening and responding to student needs...
An answer to Musser’s (2012) challenge to the advising community to build on the constructivist foundation of advising theory...
An extremely complex facet of advising pre-professional students is how to instill realism in students whose goals mismatch with their current academic performance… Although no advisor wants to discourage a student from pursuing his or her goal, advisors also may feel a responsibility of instilling a level of realistic expectations with their advisees.
Inaccurate assumptions, coupled with the steady increase of international enrollment all over the U.S., have resulted in a number of racial incidents targeting international students… University administrations across the country have proposed that we need to create safe and welcoming environments by encouraging cross-cultural interactions between domestic and international students.