Ruth A. Darling, NACADA President
Dear Colleagues:
Happy New Year and best wishes for a fulfilling and healthy 2004. As we begin a new year, it seems appropriate to provide the NACADA community with an update of current initiatives, and a review of the professional development opportunities available throughout the coming year.
Through the dedication and expertise of the Association’s member leaders, and with the assistance of the Executive Office staff, the Association continues to embark on new professional development programs and publishing opportunities. New initiatives being implemented, or in the development stages, include:
These new initiatives supplement NACADA’s successful professional development opportunities that include: Regional Conferences, Summer Institutes, Administrators’ Institute, National Conference, the NACADA Journal,and the electronic newsletter, Academic Advising News. The continuation and expansion of these activities are directed by the emerging strategic plan that guides our association and its leadership in its focus on NACADA’s critical role within higher education.
I look forward to meeting many of you at a Regional Conference this spring. At each conference, a member of the NACADA Board of Directors and an Executive Office staff member will facilitate a roundtable/open discussion session. This session will provide an opportunity for Association members to engage in conversation with NACADA leaders regarding your concerns, needs and questions. Your feedback is important to us!
Finally, please contact the NACADA Executive Office if you have specific questions or concerns.
Best wishes,
Ruth A. Darling President
Cite this article using APA style as: Darling, R. (2004, February). From the president. Academic Advising Today, 27(1). [insert url here]