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Entries for 'advisor training'


Fox Valley Technical College (FVTC) is the third largest of the 16 colleges of the Wisconsin Technical College System and offers 70 technical diploma and associate degree programs. FVTC's advising program grew out of a 1992 Counselor Task Force report that described a developmental model for advising and counseling. Faculty advising was initiated in 1996 as a result of an administrative effort to improve student retention.

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advisor training, faculty advising, Steve Schneider
Posted in: 2002 June 25:2

Training and development of advisors becomes ever more central to the effectiveness of the advising process with the increasing diversity and complexity of our students' environments. While there is no 'one-size-fits-all' method for advisor training and development, case studies are among the most useful items in the trainer's tool box.

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advisor training, Heidi Koring

In these economic times, meeting the needs of so many diverse student populations can be a challenge. However I believe there are steps a college or university can take to effectively, and efficiently, provide quality services.

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intrusive advising, communication, collaboration, advisor training, community relationships, peer advising, technology, advising skills, advising competencies, Lynda Sukolsky

To be successful, those responsible for advising students with disabilities must look beyond what would be considered the normal scope and range of advising office responsibilities. This requires flexibility, coordination, and a willingness to step outside prescribed administrative roles.

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advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, disabilities, Leslie Hemphill
Posted in: 2004 June 27:2

A university's senior leadership cannot interact with every student as much as we would like to. Our best course as a university is to maintain a strong academic institution and to support advisors and advising programs. As a public university whose mission is improving the economic and cultural life of our state, we depend on the important contributions academic advisors make to student success.

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retention, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, Carol Cartwright

Many advising programs strive to connect faculty, student advising, and learning in an effort to move from “advising as class scheduling” to “advising as teaching.” Likewise, many instructional development programs assist faculty with learner-centered instructional methods that better serve our under-prepared or under-served student populations. It would seem likely that the advising and teaching strategies that better serve these students would have significant overlap (Hemwall and Trachte, 2003).

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collaboration, advisor training, advising theory, assessment, faculty advisors, Todd Carter

From a loose affiliation of advising and student affairs professionals to a dynamic professional organization – how did the Kent Academic Support and Advising Association (KASADA) get there? In 1989, about 30 professional advisors got together at Kent State University to talk about forming a university-wide organization for those of us who work directly with students. We sought to establish a network that would help facilitate information sharing and provide a mechanism for diminishing the bureaucracy faced by students. There was also a need to provide professional development opportunities and establish a visible presence on campus.

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professional development, collaboration, advisor training, advising workshops, Deborah Barber

Suzanne M. Trump (Assistant Dean of Retention and Academic Advising, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia) and Janet Spence (Director, University-Wide Advising Practice, Office of the Provost/Undergraduate Affairs, University of Louisville) share what they gained from the NACADA Administrators’ and Assessment Institutes.

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research, professional development, communication, collaboration, advisor training, advising workshops, learning outcomes, Suzanne Trump, Janet Spence

With the continuing development of online teaching, tutors are encouraged to take on the role of e-tutor and to provide tutoring and personal support through this mechanism. However, what works in a classroom does not always work online. With the loss of face-to-face contact and the visual impact that it brings, the question must be asked 'What makes a good e-tutor?'

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build relationships, advisor training, advising strategy, personal tutoring, technology, advising environment, Jane Fawkes, advising approached, proactive advisor
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
I walked into a situation where the two people in the position before me were let go in fairly quick succession. Day-to-day academic advising was done by unionized, tenured, faculty counselors with a long history of doing things 'a certain way.' They really did not appreciate a non-counselor advising students, much less administering the college's academic advising program (my assigned task). Unionized faculty, while very devoted to students, were not contractually required to advise. Those who did advise were paid extra and usually scheduled after 2:30 p. This meant that retired faculty were employed to supplement the advisor corps. Faculty advisors were disheartened because there had not been advisor training in years. It was, needless to say, a tough, politically-charged situation. What should I do?

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professional development, collaboration, advisor training, faculty advisors, Carlos Delgadillo
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
Academic advising at Oregon State University has undergone remarkable changes in the last few years. Certain stars have aligned to give rise to these changes-shifts in administration and a focus on the student experience combined with the collaborative energy of advisors and administrators. George Kuh (2005) uses the term 'positive restlessness' to describe the climate of campuses truly working to be engaged in a culture of deep learning. At OSU there was a positive restlessness among academic advisors; they were struggling to find their collective voice. This is a story of their adventure and a narrative of change.

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professional development, collaboration, advisor training, assessment, advising workshops, summer institute, advising approaches, Susie Leslie
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
It was the hottest summer Wisconsin had seen in ten years and I loved every minute of it. As a Summer Institute Scholarship winner, I was participating in the NACADA Summer Institute for the first time. In the air-conditioned comfort of the Concourse Hotel, I was surrounded by advising friends, both new and old, from around the country. In the evenings I strolled through the student quarter of Madison, a very lively place even in the beginning of August. At first I walked alone, but by the second day I strolled with new friends from colleges and universities across the country. I found this an ideal atmosphere to consult with the best advising experts in the nation.

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professional development, collaboration, build relationships, advisor training, assessment, advising workshops, summer institute, John Nilsson
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
Are the training and development programs at your institution lecture heavy? Do participants nod off? Do their eyes glaze over as they listen to yet another talking head? While lecture is easy, it may not be effective. Research and experience have shown there are more effective means to reach audiences. Advisor training and development programs lay the foundation for quality academic advising and enhance the image and reputation of academic advising on campus. How faculty and staff advisors feel about advisor training and development influence how they feel about advising in general. Active training methods out perform lecture for learning and enhance the overall reputation of academic advising at the institutional level.

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advisor training, advising workshops, learning outcomes, advising skills, Amy Aufdembrink
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
Advisor training programs typically end just when the most critical part of an advisor’s development begins—the experiential synthesis of the conceptual, informational and relational components of advising that is achieved student-by-student in the advising chair. As a profession, we should do more to help new advisors reach their potential by creating year-long new advisor development programs that recognize the experiential nature of advisor development by setting realistic expectations for first-year advisor development, establishing expectations for long-term development and providing the necessary support to move from the first set of expectations to the second (Folsom, 2007, p. 8). With the publication of NACADA’s new monograph, The New Advisor Guidebook: Mastering the Art of Advising Through the First Year and Beyond, we now have the resources and tools to do this.

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advisor competencies, advisor training, academic support, new advisor, advising skills, Pat Folsom
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

The NACADA Academic Advising Summer Institute brought together over 100 advising professionals with experts in the field to work on impacting student success at campuses across the nation.... This was not your average conference. This was not a drive-in workshop. This was an institute, an academic experience, and a refreshing start to the consideration of academic advising holistically....We all engaged in learning about advising structures and systems, research and development, and of course, politics and personalities as they pertain to setting an agenda for advising on our campuses....Summer Institute was a shared experience with other colleagues who care about the students we support; it was a professional development experience unlike any other. 

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professional development, collaboration, advisor training, advising theory, advising strategy, advising workshops, summer institute, advising approaches, advising philosophy, Steven Viveiros, proactive education
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2

The benefits are infinite for advisors who plan a campus professional development event that addresses their specific needs. With some planning, sharing, and camaraderie great opportunities abound for the entire campus.

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professional development, advisor training, Elizabeth Nunley
Posted in: 2010 June 33:2

Although most advisors are not trained financial aid counselors, it is important that we have a general understanding of available financial resources if we are to refer students to the proper “expert.”

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advisor training, financial aid, Joe Murray, Hannah Yang
Posted in: 2010 June 33:2

Advisors play an important role in the success of non-traditional students. It is critical that we reflect upon our advisor preparation and expectations if we are to help them succeed.

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advisor training, at-risk students, Jennifer Varney, adult learners, Lorneth Peters, MeHee Hyun, Sylvie Taylor

If you haven’t attended a NACADA Summer institute, do it!  It is a phenomenal opportunity to learn about academic advising and to connect with people from colleges and universities from across the globe.

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professional development, advisor training, summer institute, Belinda Viljoen
Posted in: 2011 March 34:1

I strongly encourage all academic advisors to attend a NACADA Summer Institute during your career. You will be encouraged and motivated; you will learn new skills and be introduced to comprehensive resources. You will discover a wealth of wisdom, assistance, and knowledge from all you meet.

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professional development, advisor competencies, advisor training, summer institute, advising director, Colleen Bauer
Posted in: 2011 March 34:1

The program developed by the COSUAC demonstrates that Schwenn (2010) and Pasquini (2010) were correct in suggesting that technology can play a role in advisor training and development by providing an easier and more efficient way for advisors to absorb the informational component of the job. Online informational training allows trainers to spend more time focusing on conceptual and relational aspects of advising, thus moving advisor development closer to the ideal envisioned by Brown (2008).

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advisor training, technology, Naomi Craven, Kimberley Rolf

I am still haunted by the words, uttered by my dean more than half a decade ago: “Build it and let’s see if they come.” The “it” is an advising workshop series, and the “they” are the faculty and staff members who advise our students.

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professional development, advisor training, Robert Allen Alexander, advising workshops, faculty advisors
Posted in: 2012 March 35:1

New Directors of Advising are generally eager to succeed in terms of personal performance and team performance. The authors offer suggestions for negotiating unexpected challenges in a new advising director position.

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professional development, advisor competencies, advisor training, Ryan Hall, Teri Slick, advising director
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1
As advisor roles are clarified and defined on campus, a professional development team can move forward with programming and training to help strengthen skills and abilities as they pertain to advisor expectations...topics must fit the group’s mission and objectives, as determined through the assessment process...

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professional development, collaboration, advisor training, assessment, Tamara Workman, Teri Farr, Jennifer Frobish, Anjie Almeda, mission statement, programming
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

Higher education professionals strive to provide a safe environment conducive to learning and personal growth for students, but instances of violence occurring at institutions of higher education happen despite those efforts.  Academic advisors must be prepared for an unexpected student disclosure.

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advisor training, Rebecca Hapes, referrals
Posted in: 2017 June 40:2

At Missouri State University (MSU), the Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) program has partnered with the Academic Advisement Center to create a system of educational internships for graduate students interested in academic advising.  This article outlines the internship structure at MSU and discusses experiences from the perspectives of the internship supervisor and interns from the past year.

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advisor training, Regan Baker, Kimmy Brake, Kathy Davis
Posted in: 2017 June 40:2

The authors discuss an initiative developed to fill a gap in professional development opportunities available to the academic advisors at their institution.

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research, professional development, rapport, communication, collaboration, build relationships, graduation rates, reflection, advisor training, community relationships, advising workshops, digital, research group, advising research, Michael Harper, Andrew Smith, teacher

The authors contend that it is important to provide high quality online advising services that allow for comprehensive, face-to-face interactions with students, even when those students are off campus.  With limited resources and demands on time, it is also critical to design an online advising option that is sustainable long-term.

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professional development, communication, build relationships, advisor training, academic support, advising theory, advising strategy, advising workshops, technology, digital, advising approaches, advising research, Darcie Anderson Mueller, Amy Meyer

With increasing numbers of student veterans entering the nation’s colleges and universities, it is critical that professionals in higher education understand the unique perspectives and experiences they bring to the campus and that appropriate models to support their academic success are developed.

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communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, advisor training, academic support, at-risk students, community relationships, advising theory, cultural differences, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, adult learners, Coby Dillard, deal

Although the blended position is known by various names in different institutions, there is one underlying factor: the incumbents do more than academic advising, while building relationships towards student success.

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theory to practice, professional development, career advising, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, learning disabilities, advising strategy, advising approaches, professionalism, Susan Imbeah

The author discusses how she benefited from the Assessment Institute: learning the curriculum, being guided by faculty members, and networking with like-minded colleagues from across the country and abroad.

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theory, research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, assessment, advising workshops, professionalism, mission statement, advising approaches, Fang Du

The road to self-authorship—where an individual’s internal voice emerges and asserts its authority—begins with cognitive dissonance, perhaps even existential crisis, that challenges the individual’s assumptions about the self, social relationships, and the world.  This article considers advisors’ role in creating provocative moments.

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theory to practice, professional development, advisor training, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, self-authorship, conflict resolution, Cecilia Lucero
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Change is an inevitable part of higher education today, but as our students’ needs change, advisors will have to adapt to new technology platforms to provide better support.  Academic advisors can be dynamic agents of change.

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research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, advising strategy, technology, digital, professionalism, Zachary Underwood, Melinda Anderson
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Over the last six years, new cohorts of mentors and protégés (new advisors) have entered the program to aid in their personal and professional development at Temple University.

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mentoring, professional development, collaboration, build relationships, advisor training, advising workshops, professionalism, new advisor, Gavin Farber
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The author, a relatively new advisor, shares his introductory experience into the NACADA Summer Institute learning community.

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professional development, build relationships, advisor training, community relationships, advising workshops, summer institute, Michael McDaniel
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

In the world of improvisational (improv) comedy, advancing is the process of moving a scene forward.  In the world of academic advising where student success is a central narrative, it is imperative that advisors help students advance their own scene. 

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decision-making, theory, theory to practice, professional development, communication, advisor training, academic support, advising theory, advising strategy, advising approaches, active listening, Melissa Johnson, Kyle Ross
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

Psychology Peer Advising (PPA) began at James Madison University in 1991 in response to the growing integrity of peer advising programs in practice and in the literature. Since its founding, the peer advising program has transitioned from a student organization to a paraprofessional practicum experience.

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mentoring, advisor training, peer mentors, advising strategy, peer advising, advising approaches, Kimberly DuVall, Ashley Rininger, Alec Sliman

The Bepko Learning Center at IUPUI houses a one-on-one peer-coaching program in which academically successful students are paired with their peers in order to aid them in achieving academic success. Coaches mentor other students on how to be successful in college—whether that means learning study techniques, creating weekly schedules, or setting long-term goals.

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mentoring, theory to practice, communication, advisor competencies, advisor training, peer mentors, advising theory, advising strategy, peer advising, Liz Freedman, Maria Makeever, Katie Weller

The author is “better equipped with effective tools and resources to enhance the academic advising experience” following her attendance at the 2018 NACADA Assessment Institute.

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professional development, advisor competencies, advisor training, advising strategy, assessment, advising workshops, advising approaches, learning outcomes, Seeta Rees

U.S. national student demographics and recent campus incidents point to the need for advising administrators to promote diversity through hiring practices and training of advisors and by creating and maintaining inclusive, supportive work environments. There are a number of actions that can be taken to support diversity on our campuses.

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professional development, advisor training, cultural differences, advising workshops, ethical dilemmas, professionalism, advising environment, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow, LGBT
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Two members of the King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) advising team attended the 2018 Summer Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico and found the six-day institute to be beneficial in increasing their knowledge in all aspects of academic advising.

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professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, advising workshops, summer institute, advising approaches, professionalism, Hattan Tawfiq, Abdalghaffar Osman
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Academic advisors come from different lived experiences, educational, and professional backgrounds. Considering the multitude of paths coming into the field, it is essential to work with new advisors to support them through their transition into the advising field and retain them for the future of the field.

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professional development, build relationships, advisor training, peer mentors, advising approaches, new advisor, Rafael R. Almanzar, Kelsie Poe
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

While students routinely report that the primary reason they attend college is to get a better job, few start with the end in mind. If academic advisors are to better engage students in career advising curriculum, they must weave it into all advising. This integration is difficult, but possible.

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professional development, career advising, advisor training, role of advisor, preparedness, advising strategy, learning outcomes, Billie Streufert
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Occasionally, students enter their advising session with personal baggage to share with their advisor that detours the conversation away from the normal advising issues.  Knowledge of psychological first aid (PFA) give advisors tools to support students who are striving to overcome a traumatically challenging situation before making a referral to another support resource on or off campus.

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empathy, communication, build relationships, advisor training, stress, academic support, at-risk students, encouraging students, active listening, death, grieving, dealing with death, student loss, Cindy Firestein
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

The author, a Wesley R. Habley Summer Institute Scholarship recipient, considers the Institute as was one of the most pivotal experiences of her career. She left with great ideas, some of which she has already implemented into her institution’s advising program.

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professional development, build relationships, advisor training, procrastination, advising workshops, summer institute, professionalism, Sharon Wight
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Faculty members fill many roles at the institution, but while they are experts in their field of study, they typically receive little training or preparation to serve as mentor, coach, or advisor to students. A team of primary-role advisors and advising administrators at Penn State developed a foundational on-line course designed to help the faculty advisor understand the advising role.

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research, professional development, communication, advisor competencies, advisor training, faculty advisors, Terry Musser, advising research, learning outcomes, Dawn Coder, Julia Glover

Onboarding is not the same as training; it refers to the process by which new employees are integrated into an organization and its culture. Using NACADA’s Core Competencies of Academic Advising, results from an onboarding survey, and research into best practices in training and development, the authors revamped the onboarding experience for new advisors at their institution.

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professional development, advisor competencies, advisor training, advising environment, new advisor, Kelsey Bannon, Judi Brewer

In addition to coming back from the NACADA Adminstrators Institute with an Action Plan, the author found that the work she and two colleagues did at the institute spurred valuable conversations within their office and with leaders across campus regarding the importance of investing in academic advising.

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intrusive advising, professional development, advisor training, academic support, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, Allie Teagarden

Scholarly production and practice-sharing can be a great challenge for advising practitioner-scholars as the demands of advising practice far outweigh the time available for developing research ideas and writing for the purpose of disseminating best practices to the field. Connection with others in the field can also be a barrier. The NACADA Virtual Idea Development Group is one writing support endeavor within the overall NACADA Writing Group initiative that seeks to develop and nurture academic writing skills.

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mentoring, research, professional development, communication, advisor training, advising theory, research group, advising research, Ashlock, Hay, Herstek, Kersey, MacLean, Price-Williams

Every year, the government of The United Arab Emirates grants numerous scholarships to distinguished Emirati students.  The author discusses the role of advisors to these students and discusses the challenges they face.

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international, advisor training, community relationships, academic cultural capital, Global Community, cultural differences, advising workshops, encouraging students, advising environment, AlZaabi

Since the 2017 NACADA Annual Conference, the NACADA Professional Development Committee (PDC) has worked to promote the Core Competencies and gather feedback from various constituencies. Much of the feedback has focused on how the published Core Competencies help members use the components as a roadmap for their own professional development. In this article, PDC members provide ideas and examples of how members are utilizing the Core Competencies for academic advising training and development.

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theory, theory to practice, professional development, collaboration, advisor competencies, advisor training, advising theory, advising strategy, Teri Farr, Gavin Farber, Deb Dotterer
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

Integrating academic and career advising is becoming more common. Many colleges offer career courses to help students through self-assessment, career exploration, and decision making as well as to provide students with the tools needed for the job search. Virginia Commonwealth University has implemented strategies to improve academic advising as a way to increase student progress and graduation rates.

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professional development, graduation rates, advisor competencies, advisor training, role of advisor, advising workshops, professionalism, Madeline Goldman
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

The Education and Professional Studies (CEPS) at the University of West Florida adopted a centralized advising model, restructuring how academic advising services were provided to students. This article extends the story by highlighting key considerations resulting from the inception of the advising center.

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theory to practice, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, advising theory, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, professionalism, advising environment, Eric A. Kollar
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

College students are faced with difficult and sometimes complex personal financial decisions, often without having the resources or training available to help them. Financial stress is causing students to experience anxiety and it is leading to poor performance in classes, reducing the number of credits taken, or leaving before obtaining a degree. Studies show that students may learn financial education best if it is currently relevant to their situation and if the information provided is succinct. The brief academic advising meeting is an incredibly useful moment to incorporate financial management and budgeting tips to encourage positive behaviors. This article offers practical ideas for the academic advisor to serve as a resource to students experiencing financial distress.

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advisor training, financial stress, financial well-being, student finances
Posted in: 2023 June 46:2

Higher education professionals routinely encounter situations that warrant ethical decision-making. Often, team members find themselves navigating ethical dilemmas without the proper training. This results in team members experiencing a lack of confidence in addressing ethical situations, employing inconsistent approaches and compromising the quality and integrity within a team. It is imperative that leaders foster a culture that promotes ethical decision-making. This article shares how supervisors and administrators can educate and empower team members to foster the development of ethical decision-making skills. Strategies to create a foundation to effectively instill ethical decision-making within teams are provided. Pearls of wisdom that supervisors and administrators can share with team members are highlighted.

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advisor training, ethics, advising administration, Ethical decision-making, ethical dilemmas
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.