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Entries for 'Darren Francis'

Even in this day of expanding job duties, an academic advisor’s primary function remains to assist students in reaching both their academic and career goals. However, completing the primary function of the job has become more challenging because of unrealistic career expectations developed through media influence.

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communication, career advising, major choice, academic support, student motivation, technology, Darren Francis, advising skills
As the field of enrollment management continues to develop, advisors will be asked to assume leadership roles because of our unique background of student involvement and post-secondary administration. It is our knowledge of both areas that give us the ability to affect change throughout the institution. The result will be the success of our students and the long-term viability of the institution.

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proactive advising, build relationships, role of advisor, advising approaches, Darren Francis

As advisors, we have all had the experience of working with a student who has had at least one parent involved in their post-secondary decisions...It is important to remember that students with their parents’ support are entering post-secondary education from a high school environment which not only encouraged additional parental involvement, but in some cases mandated it because research demonstrated that the more parental involvement, the more successful students became in high school...Post-secondary professionals must accept this parental involvement and embrace it.

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parent relationships, parental involvement, parents, Darren Francis, Nicholas Johnson
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.