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Entries for 'proactive advising'


The issue of student retention and persistence has continued to grow in importance throughout the history of higher education in our country. Early studies (Astin, 1977) focused on the characteristics of those students who did not persist. Beginning in the 1970s, the research began to focus on the reasons students remained enrolled and how colleges and universities could make changes or develop programs to increase the retention of their students.

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Charlie Nutt, proactive advising, retention, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, persistence

For each of these three visitors the adviser plays a critical role. It is much more than course selection and graduation requirements. The relationship with Mike, Selina, and Caroline and many others like them can become a key ingredient in their undergraduate experience, and the success of the relationship depends on a full range of talents. In truth, Mike, Selina, and Caroline are drawn from advising experiences I have had over the years. While they may be literally fictional, I have seen such students, and so have you. They are a daily reminder of the challenges and rewards of our profession.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, advising competencies, James Vick
Posted in: 2005 June 28:2

The unique qualities that shape the lives of Millennials must be considered when creating plans for their benefit. Solutions that worked for previous generations must be modified to be effective. Advisors and administrators must utilize millennial student research in order to help these students effectively manage their time. We must embrace this research to facilitate an environment that is most beneficial to our students.

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proactive advising, communication, collaboration, advising strategy, encouraging students, active listening, Jermaine Williams, student stress
Light (2001) notes that “good advising may be one of the single most underestimated characteristics of a successful college experience.” Yet, academic advising is as diversified as our varied institutional missions and purposes. Therefore, it is important that we keep in mind that advising programs are designed and implemented to meet the unique and changing needs of today’s students, their enrollment patterns, population groups, budgets, and diversity within the institution.

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proactive advising, collaboration, assessment, advising approaches, advising environment, Kathy Stockwell, Dana Zahorik, faculty advising

The Marquette University School of Education prepares teachers for urban classrooms. As the School’s Director of Undergraduate Advising, I occasionally hear complaints from beginning students (who, as a group, are predominantly Caucasian) about what they consider to be the disproportionate focus on diversity issues within their Education courses.“I’m not a racist!” each student invariably proclaims. They report that the recurring discussion about white privilege and social justice makes them feel uncomfortable. “Good!” I think to myself. “Here’s the opening for a serious teachable moment.” I feel prepared to talk with these students about the program’s goals. We discuss the importance of recognizing ourselves as cultural beings and how biases aren’t always apparent intellectually but can manifest themselves in practice.

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proactive advising, teacher education, cultural differences, preparedness, developmental theory, Tina McNamara
Teaching college was supposed to be freeing and provide me with the ability to teach students who pay to be in class, who want to be in class. These are supposed to be students who are eager to soak up what I have to offer, who come to class and behave, and who are responsible. I began my higher education career as an adjunct the semester before my contract as a full-time assistant professor began. As I watched my soon-to-be colleagues manage teaching responsibilities, committee assignments, and advising sessions, I became more and more eager to begin working with students. My first semester began, and I realized that my doctoral work had prepared me to teach, but nothing prepared me for academic advising – not even my own experience on the other side of the desk. What I had imagined would be the easiest part of my job became both one of the most challenging and most rewarding.

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proactive advising, build relationships, role of advisor, preparedness, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising skills, advising competencies, Jordan Barkley, faculty advisor
Posted in: 2006 June 29:2

In the process of developing an academic and career plan, it is important for advisors to help students understand how their career fits in the context of their future. The context involves a workplace that is changing and a future that will likely provide less security, an increased level of competitiveness, and an increased rate of change. Gordon (2006) stated that 'now as never before, academic advisors need to be in tune with the changing workplace and the many factors influencing it' (p. viii) and to use this knowledge to enhance their advising and facilitate students' academic and career planning.

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proactive advising, collaboration, career advising, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, Judith Hughey, Kenneth Hughey
Typical advising sessions can quickly turn into crisis points when students' conversations lead to disclosure of personal concerns and struggles (Butler, 1995). Students trying to deal with issues related to major career concerns, disabilities, pregnancy, mental health issues and thoughts of suicide are clearly overwhelmed and in need of additional assistance. When mundane advising issues are pushed aside with student crisis, advisors must know how to effectively refer those students for help (Shane, 1981; Kuhn, Gordon, & Webber, 2006).

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proactive advising, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, encouraging students, referrals, advising skills, Mark Rehfuss, Melissa Mentzer

The Action Plan I crafted at the 2005 NACADA Summer Institute focused on the interactions between our academic advisors, IPFW students and their families. My charge was to find a way to include family in the advising conversation without taking attention away from student development and still work within FERPA guidelines. I applied the following process, adapted from Robert Sternberg's (1987) Successful Intelligence, to this issue.

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proactive advising, communication, collaboration, parent relationships, advising strategy, advising approaches, parental involvement, Alison Hoff

One acronym strikes fear into many in the south-QEP. The QEP or Quality Enhancement Plan is a requirement for reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). This is how one college, with NACADA 's help, survived and thrived during its QEP journey.

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proactive advising, research, collaboration, academic support, advising strategy, NACADA, assessment, learning outcomes, Amy Tilly
As the field of enrollment management continues to develop, advisors will be asked to assume leadership roles because of our unique background of student involvement and post-secondary administration. It is our knowledge of both areas that give us the ability to affect change throughout the institution. The result will be the success of our students and the long-term viability of the institution.

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proactive advising, build relationships, role of advisor, advising approaches, Darren Francis
One of the hallmarks of a small, liberal arts college is its ability to provide students with a personal connection with the institution. The Department of Biology at Indiana University - Bloomington (IUB) has over 1,200 majors and, until recently, only two advisors. This large advisee load challenges advisors who seek to provide students with both excellent guidance and the kind of personal attention they would find in a smaller school.

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proactive advising, rapport, communication, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, advising strategy, advising approaches, Mary Miller
As academic advisors, we have an opportunity to not only encourage students to earn their degrees, but we can take a special interest in helping them develop into successful professionals. Giving a student 'an ear' to actively listen, providing the 'extra push' needed for forward academic progress, and at times, sharing our own experiences with students should never be done in a sense of duty but should be a privilege. Helping students find academic direction before enrollment will satisfy students' short term objectives, but inspiring them will enrich their confidence and have a far-reaching effect on their undergraduate experience.

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mentoring, proactive advising, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, advising approaches, encouraging students, Crystal Kreitler
Technology like Facebook can be a tremendous resource for cash- and time-strapped advisors. The uses described above supplement traditional advising for little to no extra cost, but they greatly expand advisor-student contact by bridging distance and time. Virtual sites will never replace face-to-face advising, but if they enable students to connect with advisors in ways which make us more of a resource, we should not ignore this opportunity to expand our educational mission.

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proactive advising, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, technology, advising approaches, Julie Traxler
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
Konik and Stewart (2004) found that college students who identify as a sexual minority are linked with “more advanced global, political, religious, and occupational identity development” (p. 815) than their heterosexual peers. Advisors should note that the very gift of difference, both generational and in sexual identity, can be nurtured into a contributing gem of insight for a young gay person who participates in these global discussions. Maybe what we must learn from our advisees includes watching how our young people deny the social constraints of heterosexism, homophobia and other cultural barriers. So, how can we apply what seems intrinsic to some students as we advise them during their college careers?

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proactive advising, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, Kathy McCleaf, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising skills, academic advising theory
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
Busy advisors look for avenues to improve their services to students while making the most of their time. Group advising is a popular way advisors can efficiently connect with students. Whether faculty invite advisors to address a class or advisors hold student workshops, advisors may only have short amounts of time to communicate with a group of students. It is important that advisors make the most of that time.

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proactive advising, communication, academic support, advising approaches, Kathy Shearer
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
High achievers characteristically appear to know what they are doing and where they are going. But this is often far from the truth. Many honors students have been programmed and pushed from so many different directions that they hardly know what to study and what they really want to do with their lives....From my perspective, I see the work of advisors as helping these students break away from parental influence so they can find their own desires and professions. Advising high achievers is something like training a thoroughbred. Here are some suggestions I hope will be helpful.

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proactive advising, build relationships, high achieving, honors, stress, academic support, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, parental involvement, encouraging students, Joan Digby

As more and more Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines return home from war, there is a greater need than ever for educational institutions to provide these students with resources and support. Academic advisors are in an ideal position to both advocate for this student group and to provide the support services these students need to transition to academia, persist through their programs, and reach their graduation goals.

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proactive advising, stress, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, advising strategy, distance, military, Nicole Lovald
One of the most important learning objectives an advisor can have for students is to teach students to become responsible advisees. While advisor development programs seek to ensure that advisors fulfill their responsibilities, often a vital link is overlooked. Students do not instinctively know how to be responsible advisees. We must teach students the value and process of advising and how to fulfill their advisee responsibilities.

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mentoring, proactive advising, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, Stephen Wallace
Intrusive Advising involves proactive interactions with students, with the intention of connecting with them before a situation occurs that cannot be fixed. Intrusive Advising is not “hand-holding” or parenting, but rather active concern for students’ academic preparation; it is a willingness to assist students in exploring services and programs to improve skills and increase academic motivation (Upcraft & Kramer, 1995).

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, communication, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, at-risk students, Jennifer Varney, advising theory, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising philosophy, advising strategy, rapport
First generation students often require more attention than other students. Academic advisors can help ensure the success of these students when they are prepared. Advisors who apply the six practical suggestions listed in this article can guide first generation students through their toughest and most rewarding years and in turn help them graduate.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, at-risk students, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, persistence, underprepared students, first generation students, Lorneth Peters, technology

Achieving in college is the proverbial mountain that so many students face. For some students, specifically those coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, the mountain presents a daunting task and they are unsure about whether they have the tools or ability to reach the top. These students can be called our “at risk” students or students who are on the edge of academic failure. As a new advisor in the College of Education, I was responsible for creating a success plan that would address the needs of students having academic difficulty. So here I was, standing at the top of the mountain and attempting to map out a plan that would support the students in their climb to success.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, academic support, at-risk students, advising theory, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, Dawn Henderson
As we continue to study First Generation College Students, we become increasingly aware of several subgroups within this special population of students. We can identify adult students with family and job responsibilities, those who are among the first in their families to be born in this country, and foster care alumni who are aging out of the foster care system as three subgroups advisors can assist. Each of these groups faces particular issues as they seek a college education. A closer look at these students reveals special needs that academic advisors must take into account if they are to provide these students with the care they require to succeed.

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proactive advising, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, preparedness, underprepared students, adult learners, first generation students, Joseph Murray, Ila Schauer, Chris Bennette Klefeker

Nurtured Advising can benefit students at many colleges and universities, but it is essential at HBCUs. Although originally established to educate descendants of African slaves, historically black institutions have become a gateway of opportunity for black students to compete in today’s society. When the relationship between the student and the advisor is such that the student knows that the advisor cares for him as an individual, the student feels he has support.

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proactive advising, at-risk students, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, Iana Williams, Patrice Glenn, Felecia Wider
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1

Academic advisors play many roles as students progress through our institutions. Helping students increase their levels of positive self-reflection can help students increase the expectations they set for themselves and lead students to regularly view themselves as positively engaged and academically talented. Positively engaged students leave advising sessions reflecting on their strengths rather than focusing on their deficiencies....Strengths-based advising can help advisors focus on students’ strengths. When we implement an advising model best suited to students’ strengths, we increase students’ chances of success at our institutions. 

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proactive advising, retention, first year students, advising theory, student motivation, advising approaches, persistence, Tammy Russell
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2
At Georgia Southern University, Peer Academic Advisors (PAAs) help make the major exploration process more enjoyable and less stressful for students.

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decision-making, intrusive advising, proactive advising, major choice, undeclared, undecided, first year students, peer advising, Ellen Murkinson

As I learned more about Proactive Advising, I found that I could apply it in all areas of advising: retention, at risk student advising, critical outreach points, and student communication and difficult situations.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, at-risk students, Jennifer Varney
In order to assist with the nursing shortage, it is critical that educators focus on developing strategies for academic success and retention for students who are enrolled in undergraduate nursing programs (Jeffreys, 2007)...

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, nursing students, stress, pre-health, academic support, Jacqueline Klein
Academic advising is a proactive and intrusive process in which advisor and advisee build a collaborative relationship in order to promote college success.  Conflict resolution is such an approach to aid advisors in maximizing the potential of advisees to be successful...

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, rapport, empathy, communication, collaboration, build relationships, Admad Sims, conflict resolution, active listening
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1
As advisors it is important to be intrusive without intruding, and be warm, friendly and inviting while still providing the tough love and information that students need to hear...Advisors can use several techniques to provide intrusive advising services without intruding or being overbearing.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, build relationships, advisor competencies, Jennifer Cannon, referrals
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

There are a number of reasons why a university would want to change its advising culture.  With advising practices linked to retention, student engagement, and first destinations, robust advising is increasingly being viewed as a panacea to many student support issues.

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proactive advising, advising approaches, intrusive advising, Jennifer Plante, Michelle Bata, marketing
Posted in: 2016 June 39:2

The fight or flight instinct is not unique to students or academic stress, but it might not be a connection the students have previously made. When advisors recognize the link between this biological instinct and student behavior, they can better educate, mentor, and guide students to a healthier and more productive response to stressful situations.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, academic support, procrastination, financial aid, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising environment, learning outcomes, Christina Curley, role of adv

Advisors who learn to assist students with alleviating and mitigating culture shock can contribute to students’ success and their enjoyment of their time in their host country.  In order to do so, advisors must understand the cultural and individual characteristics that influence a student’s experience of culture shock.

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proactive advising, international, role of advisor, academic support, advising theory, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, advising approaches, advising environment, Brandie Yale

Application of a strengths model to academic advising can focus on students applying their talents and strengths to academic courses, study techniques, and major exploration.

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proactive advising, retention, first year students, advising theory, assessment, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising environment, Jennifer Hart

Currently trending at many institutions, early-alert programs have become institutional priorities to improve student retention. It is imperative to note that regardless of the technological platform used to drive these retention initiatives, there is a human factor that proves vital in this process.

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proactive advising, retention, academic support, at-risk students, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, James Winfield

In today’s 21st century economy, it is no longer enough for advisors to help students choose a major and craft a course schedule. Advisors need to help students create a step-by-step plan for achieving their long-term goals and preparing for unexpected barriers along the way. Thus, career advising is now an important function of academic advising.

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decision-making, proactive advising, professional development, communication, career advising, academic support, advising strategy, critical thinking, faculty advisors, Liberal Arts, graduate students, Aurora Alexander, Kristi Kamis, pre-professional preparedness, role
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Safe Conversations is an educational program that focuses on dialogue promoting a new way of talking and listening to one another. When applied appropriately, connection and safety occur which promotes respectful and healthy relationships.

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proactive advising, empathy, communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, academic support, active listening, advising space, advising environment, Curtis Hill
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

In addition to helping students plan, understand, and make meaning of their best path to graduation, academic advisors consistently contribute to student success beyond the advising appointment. It is vital for academic advisors to clearly communicate the variety of advising-related responsibilities in a way that is easily understood to all constituents across campus.

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proactive advising, professional development, communication, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, professionalism, Sara Webb, Roberta Rea
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

HBCUs have been leaders in producing and leading African American students toward health professions. Advisors must recognize HBCUs like a catalyst for change and bastion of future health professionals that need to be cultivated and mentored.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, career advising, academic support, financial aid, cultural capital, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Terrance R. Eubanks II

When academic advisors collaborate with institutional research professionals on their campuses for such an endeavor, it is important to move beyond the data which is readily available to institutional researchers to find sufficient data points for academic advisors to determine where to focus their student mentoring efforts.

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proactive advising, research, retention, stress, academic support, at-risk students, probation, encouraging students, persistence, advising research, Meg Wright Sidle, Megan Childress

With the student at the center of The University of Texas at Tyler’s efforts, Persistence and Retention Teams have been implemented to streamline employee communication to diminish the silo effect and find resolutions to student issues as efficiently as possible.

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proactive advising, research, retention, stress, academic support, at-risk students, probation, technology, encouraging students, persistence, advising research, Douglas Vardeman

Academic advisors are witnessing a growing population of students that identify as first generation. These students need validation that they belong in a university setting and that their degree is attainable.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Kelci Kosin
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

By utilizing proactive advising, advisors can make the first move in teaching students to assess their own needs through modeling, kickstarting the advising as teaching process in a way that meets students halfway.

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proactive advising, Michelle Coleman
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.