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Voices of the Global Community


Native Americans have attended college in the United States since colonial times. Unfortunately, the experience of most Native students at predominantly White institutions has not been entirely positive...Two major barriers still remain for Native Americans: the struggle to get into college and, if admitted, the struggle to successfully complete a degree. The desire to remove these barriers was behind the start of the Tribal College movement.

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at-risk students, cultural differences, underprepared students, Les Ridingin, Robert Longwell-Grice, Adrienne Thunder

Chances are that no amount of books (self-help and otherwise) and no amount of years under our belts in working with students could have prepared us for the realities of life in the director’s or dean’s chair...I offer the following observations directly to new administrators who have stepped into the fray with heavy metal body armor adjusted, swords drawn, and olive branches waving.

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advising director, Jayne Drake

In January 2007, the Master Faculty Advisor Program was implemented at Georgia Perimeter College. Each campus, depending on size, was assigned one to three Master Faculty Advisors to develop training programs, including a Web site. These Master Faculty Advisors provide campus and college-wide leadership on advising issues

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faculty advisors, Tamra Ortgies Young, Cynthia Walker

NACADA opened my eyes to the network of academic advising resources available and provided me the opportunity to develop an Action Plan for leading the Advising Task Force at my institution.

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advising director, Donna Ekal

NACADA Webinars are popular with NACADA members. Academic advisors have fun when they gather, and we often find great resources in discussing issues and ideas with each other. The Webinar Advisory Board has been discussing how we have “consumed” Webinars. Here are some examples of how campuses are organizing to make the most of Webinar participation.

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professional development, technology, Melissa Lantta, Karen Thurmond

From June 2005 through December 2011, this publication was titled Academic Advising Today: Lighting Student Pathways. Articles included in these archived editions will be presented in a compiled version as well as broken down into individual articles to facilitate search capacity. News features from this period may be attained by contacting the Managing Editor.

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As the nation continues down a turbulent financial path, we will undoubtedly be called upon to justify our advising programs and the impact our programs have on student success and student persistence. We have shown, and we can continue to show, the tremendous impact academic advising has on all aspects of the student experience.

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research, retention, persistence, advising research, Brett McFarlane
Posted in: 2009 March 32:1

Academic advisors have always helped with a variety of student issues; however, as budget cuts are considered, it may become even more important that we be aware of the wide variety of knowledge and assistance we, as academic advisors, provide on a day-to-day basis.

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news, Casey Self
Posted in: 2009 March 32:1
In the past 30 years, NACADA has grown substantially to nearly 11,000 members internationally and has become one of the key associations in all of higher education. 

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Charlie Nutt, news
Posted in: 2009 March 32:1

Academic advisors should play a major role in the recruitment process for education programs. There are several issues and barriers which are unique to recruiting students to enter teacher training programs. What strategies can be implemented to address these issues and barriers?

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role of advisor, Lee Kem, Darcie Peterson
Posted in: 2009 March 32:1
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Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.