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Entries for 'cultural differences'


Unlike our grandmothers, most women currently in administrative roles were reared with a social message that 'you can do anything you want.' While that message has brought many exciting opportunities, many women have found that the unpredictable challenges can outweigh the opportunity. This is particularly true if one is 'the first woman' or 'the only woman' in a particular role. Therefore, it becomes essential that women in administration be active mentors to others in our community.

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mentoring, professional development, cultural differences, Alice Reinarz

Some international students may also feel they are discriminated against because they may pose a security threat to the United States. Ultimately, advisors can intervene this fall to identify international students and assist them in adapting to a new environment and new security measures. Often an understanding voice or face can do more than we know in helping international students make the necessary adaptations as they study in the United States.

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international, cultural differences, advising approaches, Patrick Slowinski

Multicultural awareness is essential for academic advisors, for our cultural identity "is central to what we see, how we make sense of what we see, and how we express ourselves."

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communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, cultural differences, Leigh Cunningham

Native Americans have always valued education and learning, and many are accomplished science and mathematics practitioners (traditional healers, herbalists, astronomers, builders, etc). Even so, it is ironic that today approximately 50% of Native Americans will graduate from high school, and only 17% will attempt college (National Science Foundation, 2000; Pavel, Swisher, & Ward, 1994). There are many cultural and social reasons for these low rates including reservations located in remote areas, a lack of successful Native American role models, English as a second language, and the low socioeconomic status of many Native Americans (Cajete, 2000).

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cultural capital, cultural differences, Mark Bellcourt

Embarking on a journey into the unknown... Boldly going where no relative has gone before... Blazing new trails. These are brave and exciting statements, but to any student who is first in the family to have the experience, it is an intimidating venture. First Generation College Students (First Gens) often receive mixed messages from their families—make us proud/don’t leave us. These students are “breaking,” not “keeping” the family tradition. Without guidance, First Gens often get lost in the maze of college life.

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cultural differences, first generation students, Ila Schauer

Without fail, institutions claim to value diversity. Yet institutions often limit their understanding of diversity to the inclusion of individuals from racial or cultural minorities. While seeking out under-represented individuals is an admirable response to a symptomatic lack of diversity, real enrichment is achieved not by counting heads, but rather through learning to prize individuals whose origins, viewpoints, values, and traditions may not be consistent with those of the campus majority. In this sense, transfer students are one of the most commonly encountered yet frequently overlooked sources of diversity.

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cultural capital, cultural differences, Troy Holaday

We know that the most worthwhile discussions about diversity can be filled with disagreement and contradiction. Yet, we believe that as representatives of higher education institutions, we must model behavior where issues of diversity are discussed frequently and with increased ease. In turn, practicing such behavior is certain to inform our work as advisors and administrators, giving us something truly powerful to take away from NACADA and bring back to our campuses.

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cultural capital, cultural differences, Karen Gould

Over the past few decades, eighty-five percent of all immigrants to the United States have arrived from either Asia or Latin America; today Latinos are the largest American minority group. These demographic trends have impacted the recruitment efforts of many institutions and caused many campus administrators to incorporate diversity into their strategic plans. Furthermore, recognizing that diversity extends beyond race to include ethnicity, traditional/non-traditional status, military experience, disabilities, etc., administrators have increased recruitment efforts to attract an increasingly diverse population to our campuses. However, while administrations have focused on recruitment, the efforts to retain these students has largely become the responsibility of others, particularly those involved in academic advising.

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cultural capital, cultural differences, advising approaches, Blaine Harding
Posted in: 2005 June 28:2

As America ’s ethnic and racial demographics continue to shift, not only on college campuses but throughout the nation, it is essential that administrators and practitioners prepare to effectively deliver cross-cultural services. Professionals of all ethnic and racial backgrounds need to gain multicultural awareness and multicultural competency.... The preparation we receive should require a highly collaborative and interactive self-awareness and include a racial consciousness component that allows us to gain an awareness of our their beliefs and attitudes as they pertain to multiculturalism. This exploration provides an opportunity to to check biases and stereotypes that can affect our delivery of adequate cross-cultural service. Becoming aware of our values and biases is a move toward positive orientation of multiculturalism (Sue, et. al, p. 633)..

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collaboration, cultural capital, cultural differences, assessment, advising approaches, Cornelius Gilbert

Here we will begin to explore how best to approach advising relationships in a multiculturally competent way, mindful of both the individual and cultural similarities and differences between advisor and advisee, and how those factors may influence the advising process. Suggestions are based on the author’s personal experience in helping relationships (i.e. mental health and career counseling), as well as the counseling psychology and intercultural communication literatures. The intention is to provide a description of a “both/and” approach to preparing for multicultural helping relationships. This approach can be useful with all students, regardless of how culturally similar or dissimilar advisor and advisee are, because all people are cultural beings. The objective of this article is to provide advisors with questions and principles to consider in interactions with students.

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rapport, communication, build relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, preparedness, advising approaches, professionalism, advising competencies, Aaron Carlstrom

The Marquette University School of Education prepares teachers for urban classrooms. As the School’s Director of Undergraduate Advising, I occasionally hear complaints from beginning students (who, as a group, are predominantly Caucasian) about what they consider to be the disproportionate focus on diversity issues within their Education courses.“I’m not a racist!” each student invariably proclaims. They report that the recurring discussion about white privilege and social justice makes them feel uncomfortable. “Good!” I think to myself. “Here’s the opening for a serious teachable moment.” I feel prepared to talk with these students about the program’s goals. We discuss the importance of recognizing ourselves as cultural beings and how biases aren’t always apparent intellectually but can manifest themselves in practice.

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proactive advising, teacher education, cultural differences, preparedness, developmental theory, Tina McNamara
Last summer I attended the NACADA Summer Institute (SI) as a team member from my community college. There were about 130 participants in this SI; about twenty were faculty members. Of those twenty faculty members, I was the sole ESL teacher. I asked a lot of questions, and I did a lot of listening. Once again, I was struck with the dissimilarities when it comes to ESL students.

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international, cultural capital, cultural differences, summer institute, Susan Boland
"Why do I need to be aware of GLBT persons or issues?"  Kinsey, Pomeroy and Martin (1948) in their seminal work noted that up to ten percent of the population may be Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgender (GLBT). Thus, probability alone suggests that advisors will work with many GLBT students during their careers. Others may say, "What does it matter if I know a person's sexual orientation?"  True, we may not need to know a student's sexual orientation to be a good advisor, but there are times when issues of sexual orientation arise. This can occur when advisors seek to connect with students in a holistic way i.e., when they seek to know more about students than their course schedules.

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communication, build relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, Brandy Smith

This article describes Sacred Heart University's Hispanic Adult Achievers Program, a program established to address the unique educational needs of Latinos who have immigrated to the United States as adults. The article includes student achievement and retention data, as well as a brief discussion of the advising and retention strategies used.

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academic support, community relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, NACADA, Academic Advising Today, academic advising, adult learners, James Minor
Advisors must understand how identity management (i.e., deciding when and if to disclose one's sexual or gender identity) affects students' academic success and career decision-making. We should be prepared to help students discern and prioritize their career values so they can make well-informed decisions. Additionally, advisors should become knowledgeable about the realities of oppression and provide students with guidance based in research.

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career advising, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, GLBT, Lisa Forest

As greater numbers of students enter our institutions, retention and ethical service to these students become even larger issues. Bradburn (2002) indicates that approximately one-third of entering students leave our institutions without a credential; these numbers are even higher for minority (Hodge & Pickron, 2004) and community college students (ACT, 2005). Although current scholarship (Lotkowski, et al. 2005) on academic retention shows that a relationship with an academic advisor helps to increase retention, many students do not take advantage of this resource.

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research, retention, cultural differences, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, Liberal Arts, diversity, Glenn Miller, Holly Messitt
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
Recent statistical trends have led experts to project that ethnic minorities will become the numerical majority in the United States by the year 2010 (Cornett-Devito & Reeves, 1999). The impact of this growth is pervasive and, according to Howe & Strauss (2000), is evident in the current generation of students who are the most racially and ethnically diverse in this nation’s history. Those involved with collegiate student development must adapt current policies and practices to better meet the unique needs of our students. As academic advisors charged with facilitating the development of student potential, we must acquire new skills and strategies in order to provide more effective advising services.

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retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, advising approaches, advising skills, Alison Grewe, academic advising theory and practice
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
Konik and Stewart (2004) found that college students who identify as a sexual minority are linked with “more advanced global, political, religious, and occupational identity development” (p. 815) than their heterosexual peers. Advisors should note that the very gift of difference, both generational and in sexual identity, can be nurtured into a contributing gem of insight for a young gay person who participates in these global discussions. Maybe what we must learn from our advisees includes watching how our young people deny the social constraints of heterosexism, homophobia and other cultural barriers. So, how can we apply what seems intrinsic to some students as we advise them during their college careers?

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proactive advising, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, Kathy McCleaf, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising skills, academic advising theory
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
Our UK colleagues appeared excited about collaborating with NACADA, demonstrated great interest in NACADA resources, and expressed considerable “ah” as Charlie awarded a complimentary NACADA membership to one lucky individual at the end of the conference. These colleagues will join 23 current members from Australia, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Egypt, England, Grenada, India, Jamaica, Kuwait, Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, and United Arab Emirates in leading the global expansion of NACADA beyond North America. It is evident that NACADA’s resources and expertise are becoming widely known throughout the world as higher education systems face similar issues in these evolving times.

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professional development, communication, collaboration, build relationships, international, cultural capital, Global Community, cultural differences, Mike McCauley

As more and more Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines return home from war, there is a greater need than ever for educational institutions to provide these students with resources and support. Academic advisors are in an ideal position to both advocate for this student group and to provide the support services these students need to transition to academia, persist through their programs, and reach their graduation goals.

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proactive advising, stress, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, advising strategy, distance, military, Nicole Lovald

Our relevance assures student engagement, and engagement assures student success. Therefore, our relevancy will ensure successful students (Prentiss, 2007). Are we, as advisors, acting irresponsibly by avoiding FacebookTM? Building on Julie Traxler’s (2007) article, Advising Without Walls: An Introduction to Facebook as an Advising Tool, which focuses on the benefits of using this social networking Web site, I hope to show that, with proper care and an eye toward maintaining relevance, Facebook could be one of our most valuable tools for student engagement.

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rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, advising theory, cultural differences, advising strategy, technology, advising approaches, Art Esposito, proactive advertising
Imagine a college or university in which students feel that no matter which staff member, advisor, or professor they approach, they have an equal chance of being assisted, nurtured or challenged -- no matter the issue, no matter the question. At this institution, the academic mission and the professional commitment to student welfare meshes seamlessly and is embraced by staff, faculty, and administrators. Here it is clear that everyone shares in the responsibility of the institution’s mission and reaps the involvement and engagement that results. Imagine an institution where shared responsibilities means academic and professional opportunities for students, staff, and faculty exist in abundance.

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build relationships, Jennifer Joslin, academic support, cultural differences, advising philosophy
As we continue to study First Generation College Students, we become increasingly aware of several subgroups within this special population of students. We can identify adult students with family and job responsibilities, those who are among the first in their families to be born in this country, and foster care alumni who are aging out of the foster care system as three subgroups advisors can assist. Each of these groups faces particular issues as they seek a college education. A closer look at these students reveals special needs that academic advisors must take into account if they are to provide these students with the care they require to succeed.

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proactive advising, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, preparedness, underprepared students, adult learners, first generation students, Joseph Murray, Ila Schauer, Chris Bennette Klefeker

Nurtured Advising can benefit students at many colleges and universities, but it is essential at HBCUs. Although originally established to educate descendants of African slaves, historically black institutions have become a gateway of opportunity for black students to compete in today’s society. When the relationship between the student and the advisor is such that the student knows that the advisor cares for him as an individual, the student feels he has support.

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proactive advising, at-risk students, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, Iana Williams, Patrice Glenn, Felecia Wider
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1

In the United Kingdom, we lack a national organization devoted to those interested in Personal Tutoring and the field remains fragmented, although there is a core group of active researchers and practitioners in the area. I think we have much to learn from you, and I hope that we also have something of value to share.

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research, cultural differences, advising strategy, personal tutoring, advising approaches, advising research, Paula Hixenbaugh
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1

When instructors and students contact academic advisors about a learning progress concern, advisors might be faced with the difficult task of helping students suspected of having a learning disability. The problem of identifying a disability becomes more complex if students speak English as their second language (ESL).

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academic support, cultural differences, learning disabilities, underprepared students, Aura Rios Erickson
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1

The issues of social justice and equity are growing in importance across the academy... Although NACADA (2008) “promotes and supports quality academic advising in institutions of higher education to enhance the educational development of students” (¶1), how often do academic advisors examine their roles in upholding social justice through advising?

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communication, build relationships, cultural differences, active listening, advising environment, Melissa Lantta
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2

Baxter Magolda’s (2001) Learning Partnerships Model (LPM) provides a three-principled heuristic for implementing interactive and engaged advising that may help advisors help students who are in need of learning to balance multiple perspectives...Implementation of the LPM with diverse college students, however, requires recognition of cultural differences.

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decision-making, undecided, cultural differences, Jane Pizzolato

Native Americans have attended college in the United States since colonial times. Unfortunately, the experience of most Native students at predominantly White institutions has not been entirely positive...Two major barriers still remain for Native Americans: the struggle to get into college and, if admitted, the struggle to successfully complete a degree. The desire to remove these barriers was behind the start of the Tribal College movement.

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at-risk students, cultural differences, underprepared students, Les Ridingin, Robert Longwell-Grice, Adrienne Thunder

When we learn more about individual international education systems, accept cultural differences, and learn basic greetings in the native languages of our students, we can better serve all of our international students.

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international, cultural differences, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow

Students will not go to a stranger – especially a member of faculty – when their world is collapsing. We needed to change our model of Personal Tutoring from reactive to proactive.

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international, cultural differences, Sue Robbins

While never oblivious to the world outside the US, over the last few years NACADA leaders have actively pursued the idea of a “global community for academic advising.”  Clearly this raises the need to find common ground between advisors from wildly varying backgrounds.

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international, Global Community, cultural differences, Oscar van den Wijngaard
In recruiting to retain underrepresented populations, it is important to develop early and consistent relationships. Advisors who express that students are valued can create a meaningful and personal connection early in each student’s educational career.

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retention, communication, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, persistence, Christine Lancaster, Chelsea Smith, Kelsey Boyer
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2

What we believe is generally missing from the body of critical literature on academic advising and retention is the reference to the different issues in American-style education outside the borders of the United States. We have identified a host of issues specific to our student population which we believe must be addressed in order for us to best perform our roles as academic advisors.

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international, cultural differences, preparedness, learning disabilities, global university, Heba Mansour, Hala Al-Abdulrazzaq
Posted in: 2012 March 35:1
As contemporary higher education continues to strive to become a place where historically underserved students are affirmed as a part of the institutional priorities, it is important to think about how social justice ideology can be applied at the ground level in individual advising sessions and group outreach

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advisor competencies, cultural differences, advising strategy, Robin Arnsperger Selzer, Janelle Ellis Rouse
In the spirit of the rapid globalization of higher education, academic advising professionals from around the world joined together in Maastricht, The Netherlands for NACADA’s first International Conference in June 2013. Here advising professionals presented best practices and exchanged ideas and strategies for best serving students. Approaches for addressing the growing pains that accompany an expanding and diversifying student population were chief among the conference’s themes.

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international, Global Community, cultural differences, Katy Oliveira-Lambert, Erin Ray
With U.S. universities heavily recruiting all over the world, there is an urgency to meet the advising needs of international students on U.S. campuses.  To sustain such a robust and holistic advising program, advisors have to go beyond selection of courses and graduation requirements.  With this goal in mind, the Advising Program in the English Language program at Kansas State University continues to grow and improve through self- analysis and continuous training.

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international, cultural differences, Leena Chakrabarti
“Do you believe that you advise without borders?” This is a question that we strive to answer each day working toward a style of advising that critically listens to the experiences of students in order to guide the direction of our work. As practitioners who work to empower students, we value their voices.

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communication, cultural differences, active listening, Robert Mack, Ikenna Acholonu

I came to the United States about 9 years ago as an International student from India, and as much of an opportunity as it was, it also was a challenge, one that I wasn’t quite ready for…

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cultural differences, Ragh Singh, Global Community
Posted in: 2015 June 38:2

With increasing numbers of student veterans entering the nation’s colleges and universities, it is critical that professionals in higher education understand the unique perspectives and experiences they bring to the campus and that appropriate models to support their academic success are developed.

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communication, build relationships, advisor competencies, advisor training, academic support, at-risk students, community relationships, advising theory, cultural differences, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, adult learners, Coby Dillard, deal

All around the world, educators find that parents of college students today are more involved than ever before.  Culture is an important factor in exploring the role of parental influence on college students.  The author discusses some of the cultural factors that are particularly salient at her institution, the American University of Sharjah.

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communication, build relationships, international, role of advisor, parent relationships, cultural differences, student motivation, ethical dilemmas, ethical approaches, advising approaches, parental involvement, parents, first generation students, Mehvash Ali

Advisors who learn to assist students with alleviating and mitigating culture shock can contribute to students’ success and their enjoyment of their time in their host country.  In order to do so, advisors must understand the cultural and individual characteristics that influence a student’s experience of culture shock.

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proactive advising, international, role of advisor, academic support, advising theory, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, advising approaches, advising environment, Brandie Yale

First generation college students face a variety of social and conceptual barriers.  The author contends that, in attempting to gain a greater profundity of understanding regarding the experiences of FGCS, it may be helpful to examine the experiences of other student groups who may, to an extent, have overlapping or similar experiences. 

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academic support, at-risk students, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, first generation students, Tadé Ayeni
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

With the expansion of China’s higher education since 1998, more and more academic advisors are needed to work with Chinese undergraduates.  Understanding their sophisticated social culture values is the first and necessary step for advisors in and out of China.

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communication, high achieving, honors, advising theory, cultural capital, cultural differences, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, Yisi Zhan
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Transfer programs are of increasing importance on college campuses because transfer has become the norm for undergraduate students, and as student mobility and transfer increases, it is imperative that advisors work to effectively serve this student population.

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cultural differences, community relationships, collaboration, transfer students, cultural capital, Jennifer Brown, Shannon Sakaue

To be an expert on the culture of all students that advisors advise and teach is unrealistic. However, getting to know each student in terms of their personal stories and backgrounds is doable. This is particularly important as the student population in higher education continues to diversify.

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empathy, communication, build relationships, reflection, role of advisor, at-risk students, cultural differences, student motivation, teaching strategy, critical thinking, active listening, Christine Robinson
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Black women advisors may experience the field of academic advising quite differently than their male and White peers. Sista circles have played a vital role in lives of Black women for over 150 years, providing a safe supportive space for them to seek help, encouragement, knowledge, and support in issues that impact them.

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mentoring, professional development, rapport, empathy, communication, build relationships, peer mentors, cultural differences, advising space, advising environment, Elia Tamplin
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

U.S. national student demographics and recent campus incidents point to the need for advising administrators to promote diversity through hiring practices and training of advisors and by creating and maintaining inclusive, supportive work environments. There are a number of actions that can be taken to support diversity on our campuses.

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professional development, advisor training, cultural differences, advising workshops, ethical dilemmas, professionalism, advising environment, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow, LGBT
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

When blackness, queerness, and nonconformity intersect, the burdens students carry can be profound.  Studies have shown a connection between queerness and discrimination, harassment, and victimization on U.S. college campuses. Academic advisors cannot underestimate how these incidents impact the lives and academics of BQGN students. The author offers methods that can be utilized to assist these students.

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empathy, communication, build relationships, academic support, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, active listening, LGBT, Maximillian Matthews
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

As members of NACADA, advisors work toward promoting “the role of effective academic advising in student success” and fostering “inclusive practices within the Association that respect the principle of equity and the diversity of advising professionals across the vast array of intersections of identity” (NACADA, 2018). The charge to utilize advising as a tool for student success while focusing on diversity, equity, and inclusion means advisors need to be aware of how they are supporting and fighting for marginalized students and colleagues. Allies support those who are marginalized, seek to make changes so that others can get the credit they are due, and are constantly learning.

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advisor competencies, academic support, cultural differences, critical thinking, ethical dilemmas, ethical approaches, ethics, encouraging students, professionalism, active listening, advising space, LGBT, Harrison

Every year, the government of The United Arab Emirates grants numerous scholarships to distinguished Emirati students.  The author discusses the role of advisors to these students and discusses the challenges they face.

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international, advisor training, community relationships, academic cultural capital, Global Community, cultural differences, advising workshops, encouraging students, advising environment, AlZaabi

A student’s inability to become socially integrated into the campus community can lead to both institutional and systematic departure. While a sense of belonging is beneficial to all students, it is vital to retain more black male students. Students’ relationships with their academic advisor is one where belonging can develop.

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rapport, empathy, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, cultural differences, student motivation, encouraging students, Tonjala Eaton
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

The author suggests the time has come to shift academic advising practices from a Millennial framework to a Generation Z (Gen Z) approach.

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research, communication, cultural differences, digital, advising approaches, advising research, Rich Robbins
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

Academic advisors are witnessing a growing population of students that identify as first generation. These students need validation that they belong in a university setting and that their degree is attainable.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Kelci Kosin
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.