How does one describe advising in and as an artistic exploration? The following collaborative effort aims to connect poetry and higher education to represent the unique relationship between a student and advisor through a descriptive mechanism not traditionally used in academic advising journals. The relationship is depicted through the eyes of the advisor
to advise you
an office blank and stagnant then you enter
we tote labels in slouching shoulders in eyes our daily masks to use/to not use we decide
we bare joy/discomfort/pride/shame/goals on two sides of a desk fluorescent lights/sunshine/one-bulb-lamp-glows capture nothing of inner selves here in an office on a campus suspended in each other
we banter over days slept away nights of Redbull juxtaposed against differential equations and dreams not idyllic REM realms instead you
we pendulum on all sides swing to procure equilibrium
here in an office on a campus suspended mold this environment to you (only you can) (I adjust with you)
we write us in instruments words: advice schedule relationship instruments to understand to forge intimacy
Cite this article using APA style as: Zamora, F., Thornhill, K. & Stewart-Sweeney, K. (2007, March). to advise you . Academic Advising Today, 30(1). Retrieved from [insert url here]