Entries for ' Career advising'


Chris Venable review of the book The Undecided College Student: An Academic and Career Advising Challenge by Virginia N. Gordon and George E. Steele. A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, academic advising, undecided, Chris Venable, exploratory
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Fanie Zis review of the book Strategic Directions for Career Services Within the University Setting by Kelli K. Smith (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Career advising, Assessment, Book Review, Fanie Zis, career services
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Kathie Sindt review of the book The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change by Adam Braun. A Scriber (Simon and Schuster) publication.

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Career advising, Book Review, career development, Kathie Sindt, social justice
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Deborah Renner Hull review of the book Career Theory and Practice: Learning Through Case Studies by Jane L. Swanson & Nadya A. Fouad. A SAGE Publications publication.

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Career advising, Career Counseling, Book Review, Deborah Renner Hull, academic advising, career theory
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Jill Flees review of the book Getting from College to Career by Lindsey Pollak. A Harper Collins publication.

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Career advising, Job Search, Jill Flees, Book Review, academic advising
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Heather T. Zeng. Review of the book Creating Balance and Finding Happiness. A Kendall Hunt publication.

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Support, Career advising, Heather Zeng, Book Review, Kendall Hunt, employees
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Jeffrey T. Domagala. Review of the book What Color is Your Parachute? A publication of Ten Speed Press.

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Career advising, Jeffrey T. Domagala, Ten Speed Press
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Michelle Barbour. Review of the book You Majored in What? A Penguin publication.

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Career advising, Penguin, Michelle Barbour, major advising
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Review of the book Backpack to Briefcase. A publication of Life After Graduation.

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Career advising, student success, Retention, Life After Graduation, Gregg A. Henderschiedt
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Kelsey Smyth. Review of the book Career Trek. A Pearson publication.

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Career advising, Pearson, Kelsey Smyth
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Wendie Phillips. Designing and Implementing Career Programs. A publication of The National Career Development Association.

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Career advising, National Career Development Association, Wendie Phillips
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Anna Sommer. Review of the book Developing and managing career resources. A publication of The National Career Development Association

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Career advising, National Career Development Association, Anna Sommer
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Tamara L. Franklin. Review of the book Teaching Career Development. A publication of The National Career Development Association

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Career advising, National Career Development Association, Tamara L. Franklin
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Deborah Renner Hull. Review of the book Group career counseling. A publication of The National Career Development Association

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Career advising, National Career Development Association, Deborah Renner Hull
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Stephanie Hamington. Review of the book Career development and planning. A Cengage publication.

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Career advising, Stephanie Hamington, Cengage
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Stephanie Elliott. Review of the book "Other Ways to Win". 

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Corwin, Career advising, Non-Traditional Students
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Deborah Renner Hull. Review of the book Career Development and Counseling: Putting Theory and Research to Work. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, , Deborah Renner Hull
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Ruth O. Bingham. Review of the book Career Advising: An Academic Advisor's Guide. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Career advising, Jossey Bass, Ruth O. Bingham, Virginia Gordon
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Ellyn Aidman. Review of the book Job Searching Fast and Easy. A publication of Thomas Delmar Learning.

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Career advising, Job Search, Career, Thomas Delmar Learning, Ellyn Aidman
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Cynthia L. Eggert. The Undecided College Student:  An academic and career advising challenge (3rd edition). A Charles C. Thomas publication.

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Career advising, Charles C. Thomas, Cynthia L. Eggert, undecided, undeclared, deciding
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Jason T. Mitchell. Review of the book Authoring your life. A Stylus publication

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Career advising, Stylus, Jason T. Mitchell
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Doug Smith. A review of the book Gateway to opportunity. A Stylus publication

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Student Development, Career advising, Stylus, Doug Smith
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Sarah Champlin-Scharff. Helping College Students Find Purpose. A Jossey-Bass publication

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Student Development, Career advising, Jossey Bass, Sarah Champlin-Scharff
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Megan Blake. Review of the book  The new information professional:  Your guide to careers in the digital age. A Neal-Schuman publication

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Career advising, Megan Blake, Neal-Schuman
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Juliann Abercrombie. Review of the book Road map for graduate study. An Atlas books publication.

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Career advising, Juliann Abercrombie, Atlas Books
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Timothy J. Jones. Review of the book Contemporary Readings in Curriculum. A SAGE publication

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Career advising, Timothy J. Jones, SAGE, Book Review
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Book by James Williamson, Debra McCandrew & Charles Muse Review by Tyrone M.Smith Sophomore Counselor, EOF Program Monmouth University, West Lo...

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Pearson, Career advising
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