Entries for 'Heather Zeng'


Heather Zeng review of the book Inclusive Teaching: Presence in the Classroom by Cornell Thomas (Ed.). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Retention, Heather Zeng, Book Review, classroom, support services
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Heather T. Zeng. Review of the book Creating Balance and Finding Happiness. A Kendall Hunt publication.

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Support, Career advising, Heather Zeng, Book Review, Kendall Hunt, employees
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Heather Zeng. Review of the book Evaluation Practice. A publication of Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

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Heather Zeng, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Evaluation
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Heather Zeng. Review of the book The Truth about supervision. A Charles C. Thomas publication

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Administration, Charles C. Thomas, Heather Zeng, coaching
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Heather Zeng. Review of the book To improve the academy. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, Heather Zeng, Assessment
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