Entries for ' culture'


Lisa Giguere review of the book The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Moshin Hamid. A Mariner publication.

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International students, Book Review, academic advising, culture, religion, Lisa Giguere
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Hal Fulmer review of the book Gaining Ground:  A Story of Farmers’ Markets, Local Food and the Family Farm by Forrest Pritchard. A Books in Common publication.

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Book Review, advising, culture, Hal Fulmer, sustainability
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Keonya Booker review of the book Narrative and Experience in Multicultural Education by Phillion, JoAnn, He, Ming Fang, & Connelly, F. Michael (Eds.) a SAGE publication.

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Research, Book Review, multicultural, culture, Keonya Booker
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Anne Boyle Cross. Review of the book The Challenge of Diversity: Involvement or Alientation in the Academy? (ASHE Higher Education Report, Vol. 31, No. 1). A Jossey-Bass publication.

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Diversity, Book Review, culture, Anne Boyle Cross
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Carolyn A. Caveny. Review of the book Overcoming Our Racism: The Journey to Liberation by Derald Wing Sue. A Jossey-Bass publication

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Book Review, culture, racism
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John G. Igwebuike. Review of the book How to Teach Students Who Don’t Look Like You: Culturally Relevant Teaching Strategies. A Corwin publication.

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Corwin, Book Review, multicultural, John G. Igwebuike, culture, teach
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