Entries for ' women'


K. Leigh Hamm Forell review of Success factors of young African-American Women at a Historically Black College by Ross, M. A Greenwood Publishing publication.

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Book Review, women , K. Leigh Hamm Forell, African-American, Historically Black College
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Christy Carter. Review of the book On becoming a woman leader: Learning from the experiences of university presidents. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Administration, Jossey Bass, women , Christy Nosek Carter
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Mandy Anderson. Review of the book Challenges of the faculty career for women: Success & sacrifice. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, faculty, women , Mandy Anderson
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Review of the book In the company of women: Indirect agression among women. A Penguin publication.

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Communication, Stephanie Ritrievi, Penguin, women
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JoAnne A. Edwards review of the book Hostile Environment - The Political Betrayal of Sexually Harassed Women by Gwendolyn Mink. A Cornell University Press publication

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Book Review, women , sexual harassment, JoAnne A. Edwards, hostile
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Kathie Sindt review of the book Roads Taken: Women in student affairs at mid-career by Carole Hughes and Kristen Renn. A Stylus Publication.

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Book Review, Student Affairs, women , higher education, Career, Kathie Sindt
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