Entries for 'Michelle M. White'


Michelle M. White review of the book A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals (2nd ed.) by William A. Kaplin and Barbara A. Lee. A Wiley publication

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Student Affairs, Legal, Michelle M. White, Book Review, advisors
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book The Breadth of Current Faculty Development: Practitioners’ Perspectives. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, Faculty Development
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Responsibility at Work: How leading professionals act (or don’t act) responsibly. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White, work, workplace, responsibility
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Effective leadership communication. A Jossey Bass publication.

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College Administration, Leadership, Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book The Mentee’s Guide. A Jossey Bass publication

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Mentoring, Jossey Bass, Michelle M. White
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Michelle M. White review of the book The theory & practice of teaching by Peter Jarvis. A Stylus publication.

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Theory, Michelle M. White, Book Review, Teaching, practice
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Michelle M. White. Missing Men in Education. A Trentham publication.

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Employment, Michelle M. White, Trentham, Males, men
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Michelle M. White. Review of the book Coming to terms with student outcomes assessment. A Stylus publication

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Stylus, Michelle M. White, Assessment
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