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Entries for ' peer advising'


As the field of advising continues to grow, many students may look to peer advisor programs to explore potential pathways or to even start their career; support, guidance, and training are needed for these students as they transition into professional advising roles.

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NACADA, Academic Advising Today, academic advising, Cheri Kau, Michelle Tagorda, peer advising, peer mentors
Posted in: 2016 March 39:1

High-achieving students come with great potential, but also great need for assistance, even though that may seem counter intuitive.  High-achieving students have challenges of their own, such as dealing with perfectionism and lack of guidance and support for lofty goals.

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encouraging students, advising theory, advising approaches, student motivation, collaboration, theory, peer advising, marketing, mentoring, theory to practice, programming, first-year students, Rebekah Chojnacki, Emmanuel Garcia, high-achieving, honors
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

As new standards develop to meet the changing needs of higher education, group advising has become an essential component of student success.  Group advising offers avenues of support that help students adjust to college life, reinforce and improve skills vital to persistence in college, and develop skills that are increasingly essential in the professional world.

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advising strategy, advising theory, peer advising, Shantalea Johns, Helen Wilson, Peer Mentoring

Developing a sense of belonging in the first year is critical to whether or not a student will be retained.  Orientation and the first-year seminar are ideal places to begin.  The author offers strategies created to nurture belongingness for first-year students which can be applicable to a wide range of academic programs, institutions, and advisors and can be implemented at no cost.

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academic support, retention, student motivation, active listening, peer advising, mentoring, Jana Renner
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.