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Entries for ' theory'


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Leigh Cunningham, advising theory, theory, common reading, philosophy

This article examines how connectivism is useful for academic advising as a theory that links previous information to current information, incorporates technology within the realm of knowing, and guides students to look beyond their own understanding to connect information.

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technology, decision-making, theory, Zack Underwood

The notion of peer mentoring for Indigenous students has captured all aspects of the author’s life, inspiring passion for development of a thriving and positive student community where students do not have to feel like just a student number, but a member of the community.

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academic support, retention, cultural differences, advising theory, role of advisor, build relationships, community relationships, theory, peer mentors, mentoring, theory to practice, programming, Carla Marie Loewen, admissions, parental involvement
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2

High-achieving students come with great potential, but also great need for assistance, even though that may seem counter intuitive.  High-achieving students have challenges of their own, such as dealing with perfectionism and lack of guidance and support for lofty goals.

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encouraging students, advising theory, advising approaches, student motivation, collaboration, theory, peer advising, marketing, mentoring, theory to practice, programming, first-year students, Rebekah Chojnacki, Emmanuel Garcia, high-achieving, honors
Posted in: 2018 June 41:2
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.