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Entries for ' president'


This is an exciting time for NACADA and its membership. The Association counts on you to let us know how we can assist in enhancing your advising practice and meeting your goals... As an Association, we are navigating our charted course to maintain our focus on advising as a profession, the professional development of our membership, and effectively serving the needs of our diverse and worldwide members.

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news, Joanne Damminger, president
Often our days are so full of daily commitments and operational tasks that we neglect to recognize our achievements and the ways in which they benefit students, our departments, and our campuses. Please reserve a few minutes to reflect on the ways you have improved, or created a plan to improve, your advising practice.

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news, Joanne Damminger, president
Posted in: 2014 March 37:1

As an association we have focused the past couple of years on leadership sustainability, diversity, and research. We have made strides with all three topics, but we still have a way to go, especially as we continue to grow more globally as an association…. I have challenged the Board and the Council to focus on engagement… But of most importance, I challenge all of you…

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David Spight, president

Being engaged in our profession means not simply gaining knowledge, but also finding ways to innovate and bring about new ideas.

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David Spight, president
Posted in: 2016 March 39:1

What can I do in my work with the association that benefits others, creates positive not negative moments, and helps both my own health and the health of the association?  … I challenge each you to join me in this path of self-reflection and on this guided pathway to being fully charged.

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Charlie Nutt, president
Posted in: 2016 March 39:1

NACADA President David Spight challenges us to consider our perspective on change.

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David Spight, president
Posted in: 2016 June 39:2

Nearly a year ago, as your president I challenged you to get engaged in your profession, to get engaged in your association, to become a scholar-practitioner, and to learn multiple approaches to advising.  It seemed timely for us to consider why the  four challenges I asked of you are a necessary part of how we strive for diversity and inclusivity.

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David Spight, president

Like many higher education institutions, NACADA is on a pivot, needing to change with advising trends, student populations, institutional initiatives, and events that impact our students and the profession.  

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Dana Zahorik, president

Just as academic advisors understand the importance of partnerships with students, it is equally important that they continue to increase their partnerships with other advising professionals to expand their own networks.

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Dana Zahorik, president
Posted in: 2017 March 40:1

NACADA leaders want to ensure that all members feel as though they matter within the association’s culture. Whether a new or continuing NACADA member, it is important that each member feels as though their contributions make this association what it is.

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Dana Zahorik, president
Posted in: 2017 June 40:2
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