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Entries for 'Erin Justyna'


Ten tips to ease the new advisor’s transition into the field or to remind veteran advisors of the things they should keep in mind when working with new colleagues.

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new advisor, Erin Justyna, Rebecca Daly Cofer
Posted in: 2010 March 33:1
Advisors should ask themselves who or what they want to be and do, and create an intentional plan to get there… Advisors with a strong professional identity have the power to increase their satisfaction and effectiveness.

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professional development, professionalism, Erin Justyna, marketing
Posted in: 2014 March 37:1

In the June 2016 edition of Academic Advising Today, NACADA Executive Director, Charlie Nutt, and NACADA President, David Spight, challenged members of NACADA to consider their role in and their contributions to the profession of advising... The work that lies ahead for NACADA members comes with the challenge of an evolving profession, and NACADA members will need to work collaboratively and steadily to capitalize on the momentum that has been created.

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Erin Justyna, advising philosophy, professionalism, professional development, advising skills, advisor competencies, career decision making, professional

I know NACADA is wholly committed to seeing those who may be more likely to be overlooked… As an association, we work to serve each and every one of our members, and therefore to support the success of all students in higher education… If nothing else, I wish for my NACADA presidency to be remembered for radical transparency and an ethic of care.

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Erin Justyna, president

While it can be difficult to move past the things that need to be done now, the NACADA Executive Office and Board of Directors work assiduously to adapt and innovate—not only to better serve our current members, but also our future members.

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Erin Justyna, president
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

In the amidst all of that is happening in our world, we still have great things occurring across our lives, our institutions, and NACADA.

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Erin Justyna, president
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

If each of us are to succeed in our work, we must continue to recognize or create opportunities in the chaos. If we look at history, and any moment within that brought great challenges, we can always find those who rise above or even excel under the pressure.

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Erin Justyna, president
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.