Entries for ' Graduate Students'


Dr. Tiffany N. Labon review of the book A Faculty Guide to Advising and Supervising Graduate Students by Darla J. Twale. A Routledge publication.

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Graduate Students, Book Review, faculty, advising, Dr. Tiffany N. Labon, supervising
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Kiana Shiroma. Review of the book Writing the winning thesis or dissertation. A Corwin publication

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Graduate Students, Corwin, Kiana Shiroma
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Douglas A. Smith. Review of the book Daring the Doctorate. A Rowman & Littlefield publication

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Graduate Students, Douglas A. Smith, Rowman & Littlefield
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Derrick Gunter. A review of the book "What They didn’t Teach You in Graduate School"
A Stylus Publication

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Stylus, Graduate Students, Derrick Gunter
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Lucas G. Rubin. Review of the book Graduate students in transition. A publication of The National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition

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Graduate Students, National Resource Center for The First-Year Exper, Lucas G. Rubin
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Comfort M. Sumida. Review of the book Developing Quality Dissertations in the Social Sciences

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Stylus, Graduate Students, Comfort M. Sumida
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Stephanie Ritrievi. Review of the book Supporting Graduate and Professional Students:  The Role of Student Affairs. A Jossey Bass publication.

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Graduate Students, Jossey Bass, Stephanie Ritrievi, graduate advising, professional
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Karen L. Archambault. Review of the book Being bright is not enough. A Charles C. Thomas publication

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Graduate Students, Charles C. Thomas, Karen L. Archambault
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Angela Victor, Developing quality dissertations in the sciences. A Stylus publication.

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Stylus, Graduate Students, Angela Victor
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Brenda L. Banks. Review of the book The Dissertation Journey. A Corwin publication.

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Graduate Students, Corwin, Brenda L. Banks, dissertation
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Michael J. Magee. Review of the book Doctoral education and the faculty of the future. A publication of the Cornell University Press

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Graduate Students, Cornell University Press, Michael J. Magee
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Marie Baker. Review of the book Demystifying Dissertation Writing. A Stylus publication

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Stylus, Graduate Students, Marie Baker
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Carita Harrell. Review of the book The Education Dissertation. A Corwin publication

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Graduate Students, Corwin, Carita Harrell, Education students
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Book by Amanda Seligman Review by Courtney McDermott Academic Advising Center University of Iowa Is graduate school an extension of undergrad? A n...

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Book Review, John Hopkins Press, Graduate Students
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