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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for August 2013

Much of what was accomplished this year was directly connected to the Strategic Plan and years of hard work. That is one of the many beauties of NACADA – it enjoys a consistency of direction coupled with a commitment to improve and support effective advising in a changing landscape.

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news, Joshua Smith, president
This has been a busy and exciting year so far for the association and the Executive Office. Since January, our membership has continued to grow and see major advancements in how technology is offered and utilized.

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news, Executive Director, CharlieNutt
As contemporary higher education continues to strive to become a place where historically underserved students are affirmed as a part of the institutional priorities, it is important to think about how social justice ideology can be applied at the ground level in individual advising sessions and group outreach

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advisor competencies, cultural differences, advising strategy, Robin Arnsperger Selzer, Janelle Ellis Rouse
Hilleary Himes and Janet Schulenberg, Theory and Philosophy of Advising Commission Members The Theoretical Reflections series is sponsored by the NAC...

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theory, Hilleary Himes, Janet Schulenberg, theoretical reflections, advising theory

Some institutions are removing pastoral support from residences, saying that 18-year-old students are adults and shouldn’t need it.  The University of Leeds takes a different view, arguing that to be placed in a hall of 1,200 almost exclusively first-year students is by its nature an unnatural and sometimes alienating experience.

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international, Penny Robinson, housing and residence life
While on the surface it can seem to be a stretch to discuss the effects of not having enough free play in preschool on incoming college students, the long-term effects are real.  Fortunately, colleges and universities can be prepared by guiding their practice with already well-established theoretical frameworks to better assist students in the transition.

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underprepared students, Sean Wernert

People have always looked to their peers for help… Many college students look to other students for what they perceive to be better guidance than what they would receive from advisors or faculty. Utilizing peer advisors is a way to harness these easy connections built between students and recognize that students are a part of the advising process, rather than recipients of an advice-giving encounter.

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peer advising, Heidi Purdy

In today's world of decreased state funding, lower retention and graduation rates, and increased scrutiny from a government perspective, it is imperative we in higher education use all of the tools in our arsenal to create strong student success and allow them to achieve the dream of a college education. CLEP is such a tool.

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advising strategy, retention, Kent Seaver
Upon the end of participation in sport at an elite level, former athletes often experience negative emotions and behaviors… As academic advisors, we can help students ease this transition by applying Schlossberg’s Transition Framework to our work with student-athletes.

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student athletes, Donna Menke
As I reflected on a favorite collection of stories that features an array of heartwarming characters who set off on grand adventures, I started thinking about some of their famous quotes and how they could be applied to academic advising and student success.

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stress, student motivation, Amanda Baldridge, encouraging students, decision-making
Six years ago, a group of advisors at the University of Louisville created the first Academic Advising Fair in order to make students more aware about advising…Each year the success of the event has grown as evidenced by the number of students in attendance.

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advising strategy, Katie Bixby

Advising 3.0 includes incorporating the lessons of face-to-face interaction with current technology to meet students’ digital expectations.

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technology, Zackary Underwood

This article contains tips and practices that help the author communicate more effectively in writing, save time, and establish and/or strengthen connections with advisees.

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advising strategy, communication, Stefanie Wright
This spring, I had the honor of interviewing six of the association's leaders… My task was to construct an oral history, identifying three key milestones in the association's history and development through the perspectives of living participants.

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Craig McGill, news, history
The NACADA Academic Advising Administrators’ Institute gave me a formal setting to learn new concepts and theories in advising administration.  I also learned that many of the teaching methods used at the Institute could inform my practices in advising.

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advising director, Theresa Hitchcock
The NACADA 2013 Assessment Institute equipped me with tools to develop an advising curriculum that I can test and continually improve for a more significant impact on my students.

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assessment, Kay Adkins
Emerging Leaders Program Advisory Board Chair Carol Pollard (University of North Texas) is pleased to announce the 2013-2015 NACADA Emerging Leaders and Mentors.

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news, Emerging Leaders Program

Complete editions of AAT are provided to facilitate one-touch print capability, but readers are encouraged to view the individual articles to utilize the site’s enhanced search and “related articles” features

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Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.