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Entries for 'Jennifer Bloom'

There are many reasons why I think that NACADA is the best professional organization on the planet, but the Annual Conference is certainly one of the top ones. The opportunity to get together with over 3,000 people who share the same passion for student success and appreciation for the important role that advisors play on college campuses throughout the country is reinvigorating and inspiring.

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Jennifer Bloom

The NACADA Board of Directors is focused on implementing the five strategic goals for our organization. As those of you who have participated in the strategic planning process at your institution know, creating a strategic plan is not always an exciting assignment, but it is even more difficult to implement the strategic plan. We all know that many strategic plans just gather dust on our bookshelves. However, the Board is dedicated to breathing life into the Strategic Plan by partnering with the entire NACADA member leadership team and the Executive Office.

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Jennifer Bloom, news
Posted in: 2008 March 31:1

This spring, Charlie Nutt and I have been on what I am calling the NACADA Regional Conference World Tour 2008. We have had a wonderful time in each of the beautiful Conference cities, and I walk away from these Regional Conferences re-energized, re-committed, and proud of our Association. The real strength of our organization lies in our members and our member-leaders, and never has this been more evident to me than during these trips to attend the Regional Conferences.

This spring, Charlie Nutt and I have been on what I am calling the NACADA Regional Conference World Tour 2008. We have had a wonderful time in each of the beautiful Conference cities, and I walk away from these Regional Conferences re-energized, re-committed, and proud of our Association. The real strength of our organization lies in our members and our member-leaders, and never has this been more evident to me than during these trips to attend the Regional Conferences. - See more at: http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Academic-Advising-Today/View-Articles/June-2008-Vol-312-Compiled-Version.aspx#sthash.6S6svOEx.dpuf
This spring, Charlie Nutt and I have been on what I am calling the NACADA Regional Conference World Tour 2008. We have had a wonderful time in each of the beautiful Conference cities, and I walk away from these Regional Conferences re-energized, re-committed, and proud of our Association. The real strength of our organization lies in our members and our member-leaders, and never has this been more evident to me than during these trips to attend the Regional Conferences. - See more at: http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Academic-Advising-Today/View-Articles/June-2008-Vol-312-Compiled-Version.aspx#sthash.6S6svOEx.dpuf
This spring, Charlie Nutt and I have been on what I am calling the NACADA Regional Conference World Tour 2008. We have had a wonderful time in each of the beautiful Conference cities, and I walk away from these Regional Conferences re-energized, re-committed, and proud of our Association. The real strength of our organization lies in our members and our member-leaders, and never has this been more evident to me than during these trips to attend the Regional Conferences. - See more at: http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Academic-Advising-Today/View-Articles/June-2008-Vol-312-Compiled-Version.aspx#sthash.6S6svOEx.dpufThis spring, Charlie Nutt and I have been on what I am calling the NACADA Regional Conference World Tour 2008. We have had a wonderful time in each of the beautiful Conference cities, and I walk away from these Regional Conferences re-energized, re-committed, and proud of our Association. The real strength of our organization lies in our members and our member-leaders, and never has this been more evident to me than during these trips to attend the Regional Conferences. - See more at: http://www.nacada.ksu.edu/Resources/Academic-Advising-Today/View-Articles/June-2008-Vol-312-Compiled-Version.aspx#sthash.6S6svOEx.dpuf

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Jennifer Bloom
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2

We spend so much of our time encouraging our students to become lifelong learners that sometimes we forget to “walk the talk.” Conferences like the NACADA annual and regional conferences are just some of the opportunities we have to continue to grow and develop as professionals and people.

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Jennifer Bloom

While advisors often encourage students to become lifelong learners, they themselves are often so strapped for time that they shortchange their own lifelong learning pursuits. Fortunately, there are cost-effective options that advising administrators can use to promote lifelong learning.

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professional development, reflection, Jennifer Bloom, Bryant Hutson, Ye He
Given the competitiveness of today’s job market, more and more students are considering graduate school.  Undergraduate advisors can best assist students considering graduate school, no matter the discipline, when they do six things.

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advisor competencies, Jennifer Bloom, Stephanie Uiga
As individual academic advisors, we all have the power to choose for ourselves our own Personal Practical Theories (PPTs) of Academic Advising.  Identifying PPTs that inform advising practices can allow advisors to become more thoughtful and reflective in applying and adapting various advising approaches and theories in their unique advising contexts.

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theory, theory to practice, theoretical reflections, advising theory, Jennifer Bloom, philosophies, personal practical theory
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

Graduate program faculty and staff advisors are an integral part of student success at the master’s and doctoral levels.  The purpose of this article is to provide graduate student advisors with three specific strategies for positively influencing graduate students’ progress towards graduation: setting clear expectations, having periodic progress meetings with students, and serving as advocates for students.

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Jennifer Bloom, graduate students, Helen Mulhern Halasz, Rebecca Hapes, adult learners
Posted in: 2016 June 39:2
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.