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Entries for 'Kami Merrifield'


With all the talk about helicopter parents and overparenting, it can be easy to forget that many parents have an incredible investment of time, love, money, and energy in their child’s education.  The authors gathered data from advisors on their perceptions of their interactions with parents and   asked for examples of effective strategies for working with parents.

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communication, parent relationships, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, conflict resolution, active listening, Allison Ewing-Cooper, Kami Merrifield, parental involvement parents
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

While Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory encompasses the entire lifespan, his eight conflicts can be readily applied to an undergraduate college student's lifespan, offering a unique paradigm through which to view the student-university relationship. Advisors, particularly, play a critical role in helping students overcome each conflict/crisis.

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decision-making, communication, advising theory, student motivation, encouraging students, persistence, Allison Ewing-Cooper, Kami Merrifield
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

It is important to understand that some level of parental involvement is part of most college students’ experiences—and that this involvement can be positive. 

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parental involvement, Allison Ewing-Cooper, Kami Merrifield, parental expectations
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