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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for ' international'

International students want to be personally and academically successful; however, when students lack confidence in their communication skills, or when they experience negative interactions with the host culture, they may be unwilling to seek guidance when they need it… So what can we do?

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communication, Global Community, Kathy McKeiver, cultural differences, international

The increased presence of international students means academic advisors must be aware of the unique issues facing international students in order to support and ensure success across the range of students they serve.  The author shares six strategies that can help advisors working with international students. 

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cultural capital, communication, cultural differences, international, active listening, Jinglin Guo

Students often lack the motivation to participate in the democratic process because they feel that they cannot make a difference.  Academic advisors can provide knowledge and skills necessary for students to become politically engaged citizens.

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advising approaches, history, communication, encouraging students, international, community relationships, student motivation, critical thinking, empathy, Global Community, conflict resolution, ethics

The continued influx of international students at American higher education institutions demands a better understanding of the motivation, background, needs, expectations, and challenges of these students which can only be achieved through adequate training for academic advisors.

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communication, cultural differences, international, Tara Pylate, Donna Menke
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