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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for 'Global Community'

The program, Career Coach, comprises a series of personal and career developmental workshops supported by a powerful, interactive e-profile tool. Each class, in year one, attends a weekly hour workshop with a counselor to address one of the Career Coach themes. The workshops revolve around three main themes: Self ExplorationLife Skills, and the Job Search Process. In their first semester, students participate in a series of workshops to explore their personal styles, values, characteristics, and learning styles. Students are introduced to college life, academic expectations, rules and regulations in an attempt to support them as they settle in their new environment. In the second semester, workshops are aimed at supporting students personal and academic development with sessions that revolve around building self esteem, setting goals, time management, communication skills and style, team work, assessment management and presentation skills. 

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career advising, first year students, academic support, Global Community, technology, underprepared students, Nawal Majeed, Rafeef Dahir, International students
Our UK colleagues appeared excited about collaborating with NACADA, demonstrated great interest in NACADA resources, and expressed considerable “ah” as Charlie awarded a complimentary NACADA membership to one lucky individual at the end of the conference. These colleagues will join 23 current members from Australia, Bahamas, Bulgaria, Egypt, England, Grenada, India, Jamaica, Kuwait, Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea, and United Arab Emirates in leading the global expansion of NACADA beyond North America. It is evident that NACADA’s resources and expertise are becoming widely known throughout the world as higher education systems face similar issues in these evolving times.

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professional development, communication, collaboration, build relationships, international, cultural capital, Global Community, cultural differences, Mike McCauley

As our world becomes a global community, the significance of producing globally-competent citizens is turning into a hot topic on university and college campuses. As academic advisors move away from a “service”-oriented role to that of a “teacher”, we also need to fulfill our duty in the name of critical pedagogy.

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international, Global Community, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow

As NACADA begins the adventure of internationalization, the Theory and Philosophy of Advising Commission  focuses on expanding the theoretical and philosophical foundations of academic advising to better inform the practice of advisors, the scholarship of the field, and the performance of the organization. 

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international, Shannon Burton, Global Community, Jeffrey McClellan

Frost (2000) indicated that the field of academic advising has progressed through three eras: higher education before academic advising was defined, academic advising as a defined and unexamined activity, and academic advising as a defined and examined activity. I assert that academic advising is now facing a fourth era due the societal changes emerging from the globalization process.

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international, Shannon Burton, Global Community
Posted in: 2010 June 33:2

While never oblivious to the world outside the US, over the last few years NACADA leaders have actively pursued the idea of a “global community for academic advising.”  Clearly this raises the need to find common ground between advisors from wildly varying backgrounds.

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international, Global Community, cultural differences, Oscar van den Wijngaard
At the start of each calendar year, it is always gratifying to look back at the past year and see all that NACADA has accomplished in not only one short year but also in its rich and exciting history! But it is even more exciting to look forward as the NACADA Board of Directors, Executive Office staff, and all NACADA leaders are focusing on the future of NACADA and its place in higher education.

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Charlie Nutt, news, Global Community
Posted in: 2012 March 35:1
International students want to be personally and academically successful; however, when students lack confidence in their communication skills, or when they experience negative interactions with the host culture, they may be unwilling to seek guidance when they need it… So what can we do?

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communication, Global Community, Kathy McKeiver, cultural differences, international
In the spirit of the rapid globalization of higher education, academic advising professionals from around the world joined together in Maastricht, The Netherlands for NACADA’s first International Conference in June 2013. Here advising professionals presented best practices and exchanged ideas and strategies for best serving students. Approaches for addressing the growing pains that accompany an expanding and diversifying student population were chief among the conference’s themes.

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international, Global Community, cultural differences, Katy Oliveira-Lambert, Erin Ray
Advising administrators and advising units constantly face decisions about which technologies to use, and how technology decisions impact advising practices. Is technology defining our advising, or does our advising practice shape the technology?

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Global Community, technology, Laura Pasquini
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Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.