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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for 2010

The recent Annual Conference was, again, testament to the fact that advising is alive and well on campuses around the world, advisors are heavily invested in the success of their students, and NACADA plays an integral role in promoting and sustaining academic advising as a critical component of student services at our colleges and universities.

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news, president, Kathy Stockwell

I am always on an emotional high after our Annual Conference, but this year I am even more so.  It was exciting to open our conference with good news...

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Charlie Nutt, news

While never oblivious to the world outside the US, over the last few years NACADA leaders have actively pursued the idea of a “global community for academic advising.”  Clearly this raises the need to find common ground between advisors from wildly varying backgrounds.

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international, Global Community, cultural differences, Oscar van den Wijngaard

When academic advisors create partnerships with secondary school stakeholders, the results are far-reaching...

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retention, graduation rates, first year students, at-risk students, persistence, first generation students, Amanda Hodges

Successful college matriculation demands not only the rhetorical commitment to higher education but to a life structured to an acceptance that graduation from college is possible...The role of the advisor is to assist the student in making reasoned choices, acquiring needed skills, and serving as the “reality check” that will make college possible.

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role of advisor, at-risk students, community relationships, underprepared students, first generation students, Thomas Johnson

Professional and faculty advisors can develop a strong, valuable relationship that aids the institution and its students.

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collaboration, faculty advisors, Joan Krush, Sara Winn

Identity matters as we make daily value judgments about our work and construct professional development plans for ourselves. But advisors’ self-constructed identities and our campus-constructed reputations may differ depending on the company we keep.

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collaboration, Becky Olive-Taylor

While new advisors come into the field with many questions and much to learn, they also bring with them a unique skill set.

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collaboration, new advisor, Amy LaRocca

The blog platform allows unprecedented student access within our college community and helps us improve the continuity of the information stream to students.

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communication, technology, David Lichtenstein
Mentors from the Emerging Leaders Program come from all walks of NACADA life and all levels of leadership and involvement.

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mentoring, Emerging Leaders Program, Sandy Waters, Todd Taylor
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