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Entries for 'retention'


In tough economic times, higher education administrators are obliged to seek cost-saving measures and/or to conduct cost-benefit analyses of programs. Academic advising programs have often been the targets for such reviews. Academic advising administrators, therefore, must be prepared to respond to these challenges before they occur.

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decision-making, research, retention, reflection, role of advisor, critical thinking, assessment, advising environment, Tom Grites

Research and best practices in academic advising can be valuable to new and veteran advisers looking to improve their effectiveness in serving students. However, if academic advising as a profession is to realize its deserved value and status on our campuses, we must find ways to spread the good word about advising to faculty, administrators, and decision-makers beyond the existing advising community. As Richard Light, in his book Making the Most of College (2001) stated, “good advising may be the single most underestimated characteristic of a successful college experience” (p. 81). Academic advising plays an important role in student success and retention. Therefore, we must strive to collaborate and build partnerships to further research and assessment and spread the good word about academic advising to the broader higher education community.

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research, retention, collaboration, build relationships, Mary Stuart Hunter, James Gahagan

The issue of student retention and persistence has continued to grow in importance throughout the history of higher education in our country. Early studies (Astin, 1977) focused on the characteristics of those students who did not persist. Beginning in the 1970s, the research began to focus on the reasons students remained enrolled and how colleges and universities could make changes or develop programs to increase the retention of their students.

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Charlie Nutt, proactive advising, retention, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, persistence

A university's senior leadership cannot interact with every student as much as we would like to. Our best course as a university is to maintain a strong academic institution and to support advisors and advising programs. As a public university whose mission is improving the economic and cultural life of our state, we depend on the important contributions academic advisors make to student success.

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retention, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, Carol Cartwright

It is well known that retention of every student is simply not possible. As academic advisors we understand that, for some students, transferring or stopping-out is a legitimate strategy for attaining long term personal or professional success. Yet, on many campuses, talk of retention focuses on retaining “all” students. As a result, some colleges have developed overly-broad retention strategies that disjoint campus units and ignore the role of identity in the retention of at-risk ethnic and cultural minorities. A more effective alternative is the development of a focused retention framework that utilizes assessment to identify those most at risk for early institutional departure and then seeks to develop culturally relevant programmatic interventions for their success.

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retention, academic support, at-risk students, assessment, Brian Stanley
The learning community is an important asset to college campuses around the country. As an advising community, we should consider what we can discover from learning communities and explore methods of applying these lessons to our advising duties.

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retention, collaboration, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, advising approaches, Ben Chamberlain
Posted in: 2006 June 29:2

As greater numbers of students enter our institutions, retention and ethical service to these students become even larger issues. Bradburn (2002) indicates that approximately one-third of entering students leave our institutions without a credential; these numbers are even higher for minority (Hodge & Pickron, 2004) and community college students (ACT, 2005). Although current scholarship (Lotkowski, et al. 2005) on academic retention shows that a relationship with an academic advisor helps to increase retention, many students do not take advantage of this resource.

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research, retention, cultural differences, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, Liberal Arts, diversity, Glenn Miller, Holly Messitt
Posted in: 2007 March 30:1
Recent statistical trends have led experts to project that ethnic minorities will become the numerical majority in the United States by the year 2010 (Cornett-Devito & Reeves, 1999). The impact of this growth is pervasive and, according to Howe & Strauss (2000), is evident in the current generation of students who are the most racially and ethnically diverse in this nation’s history. Those involved with collegiate student development must adapt current policies and practices to better meet the unique needs of our students. As academic advisors charged with facilitating the development of student potential, we must acquire new skills and strategies in order to provide more effective advising services.

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retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, cultural capital, cultural differences, advising strategy, advising approaches, advising skills, Alison Grewe, academic advising theory and practice
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

Academic advisors play many roles as students progress through our institutions. Helping students increase their levels of positive self-reflection can help students increase the expectations they set for themselves and lead students to regularly view themselves as positively engaged and academically talented. Positively engaged students leave advising sessions reflecting on their strengths rather than focusing on their deficiencies....Strengths-based advising can help advisors focus on students’ strengths. When we implement an advising model best suited to students’ strengths, we increase students’ chances of success at our institutions. 

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proactive advising, retention, first year students, advising theory, student motivation, advising approaches, persistence, Tammy Russell
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2

As the nation continues down a turbulent financial path, we will undoubtedly be called upon to justify our advising programs and the impact our programs have on student success and student persistence. We have shown, and we can continue to show, the tremendous impact academic advising has on all aspects of the student experience.

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research, retention, persistence, advising research, Brett McFarlane
Posted in: 2009 March 32:1

As members of the NACADA Board of Directors, the AAT Editorial Board, and the Executive Office staff have talked with our membership around the globe, it has become clear that we share a common concern about the pressures that we all face in the current economic climate. We open this edition with the positive, constructive measures that have been taken at Georgia Perimeter College to ensure the success of the academic advising program at that institution.

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retention, at-risk students, persistence, Anthony Tricoli
Posted in: 2009 June 32:2

As our collegiate communities contemplate revenue shortfalls and endowment shrinkages, many of our students are facing financial concerns. Regardless of external situations, it is incumbent that PDR advisors remember that the student is the heart of the educational enterprise.

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retention, at-risk students, dismissal, probation, Andrea Harris
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

When academic advisors create partnerships with secondary school stakeholders, the results are far-reaching...

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retention, graduation rates, first year students, at-risk students, persistence, first generation students, Amanda Hodges
Peer advising supports the achievement of key institutional priorities, including student retention and persistence, promotion of student success, and helping students to meet their career goals.

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retention, peer advising, persistence, Dana Zahorik
Posted in: 2011 March 34:1
In a research project funded jointly by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and The Paul Hamlyn Foundation...One of the key research findings was that students want advice from their Personal Tutor (academic advisor) on a range of specific issues related to their thoughts about leaving, (e.g., academic failure).

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retention, international, role of advisor, personal tutoring, persistence, advising research, Sheila Pankhurst, Jacqui McCary
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2
There are many ways in which academic advisors can work with first generation college students to help them understand the college student role as well as to academically and socially integrate into the campus community.

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retention, at-risk students, preparedness, underprepared students, Cynthia Demetriou, April Mann, first generation students
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2
In recruiting to retain underrepresented populations, it is important to develop early and consistent relationships. Advisors who express that students are valued can create a meaningful and personal connection early in each student’s educational career.

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retention, communication, academic support, at-risk students, cultural differences, persistence, Christine Lancaster, Chelsea Smith, Kelsey Boyer
Posted in: 2011 June 34:2

As advisors, it is important to consider the culture of the out-of-state student population at our institutions. Are out-of-state students a minority population? What are the retention rates of these students? Are there any current programs or initiatives that exist to support out-of-state students? By answering these questions, advisors can determine if this programming model can be adapted to fit the needs of their institution.

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retention, first year students, academic support, peer mentors, Jenna Nobili, Emily Jensen, living-learning communities, out-of-state students, housing and residence life
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2

As I learned more about Proactive Advising, I found that I could apply it in all areas of advising: retention, at risk student advising, critical outreach points, and student communication and difficult situations.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, at-risk students, Jennifer Varney
After decades of low graduation and retention rates, Portland State University charged the First Steps to Student Success Committee to investigate the causes and develop strategies to improve these rates. As a result, several initiatives were put forth...

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retention, graduation rates, James Ofsink, Becki Hunt Ingersoll
Our students, our legislatures and other governmental agencies, our students’ parents, and our boards of trustees or regents all are telling higher education the same message: Increasing the percentage of college completion and/or persistence to graduation is mandatory...

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Charlie Nutt, news, professional development, retention, persistence
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1
With retention and graduation rates increasingly a part of the conversations on our campuses, the question as to whether an early choice of major will lead to timely graduation keeps surfacing... So, what is the answer?  Does an early declaration of major mean that a student is actually more likely to graduate “on time?”

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retention, graduation rates, career advising, major choice, undeclared, undecided, David Spight
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1
As institutions of higher education face increased budget cuts and reduced state support, academic departments are forced to become increasingly self-supported. The Psychology Department at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio offers a model for implementing marketing efforts at the department level that serve to increase visibility and student retention while fostering departmental growth in a time of fiscal tightening.

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retention, Jennifer Papadakis, marketing
Posted in: 2013 June 36:2

A key tool in facilitating dialogue among faculty, students, and advisors is an effective early alert process, which provides a communication channel among the three parties.

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retention, at-risk students, Kelly Reddick, John Trifilo, Steven Asby, Diane Majewski, Jayne Geissler
The increasing number of college students with anxiety disorders necessitates updated training for academic advisors. Insight from recent research which highlights the developmental challenges and neurological differences in those who suffer from a mental illness can lead to improved practices and procedures.

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retention, at-risk students, Janice Stapley, Kerstin Bothner, learning disabilities
Recruit, retain, and return are three words that help drive strategic actions for student services professionals.  The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University developed a Student Centric Continuum that spans the life cycle of the student experience beginning at the phase of recruitment continuing through to after graduation.

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retention, Raquel Fong, Jenna Kahl, Erica Mitchell, Connie Pangrazi, Elizabeth Rosenkrantz
Posted in: 2015 March 38:1

Although it is an academic advisor’s responsibility to participate in retention efforts, it is not possible without collaboration.  Retention is everyone’s job.

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retention, Dawn Coder

Advisors recognize that students with different enrollment patterns may have different goals and need different types of support.  Knowledge of these enrollment patterns can influence conversations with students to help create both short- and long-term plans.

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retention, communication, build relationships, first year students, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, financial aid, community relationships, digital, encouraging students, learning outcomes, distance, Sandra Avalos, Kelly Brigges, Mechelle Martinez

Application of a strengths model to academic advising can focus on students applying their talents and strengths to academic courses, study techniques, and major exploration.

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proactive advising, retention, first year students, advising theory, assessment, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising environment, Jennifer Hart

Currently trending at many institutions, early-alert programs have become institutional priorities to improve student retention. It is imperative to note that regardless of the technological platform used to drive these retention initiatives, there is a human factor that proves vital in this process.

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proactive advising, retention, academic support, at-risk students, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, James Winfield
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

During the summer, the staff of Academic and Career Development at IUPUI works closely with other institutional offices to offer two-day orientation programs for incoming first-year students.

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decision-making, retention, build relationships, career advising, major choice, academic support, parent relationships, preparedness, advising strategy, parental involvement, parents, Karley Clayton, Melissa Cooper, Keely Floyd
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Students sometimes find themselves trapped in a state of existence where they feel their voice is silenced and they experience a sense of helplessness.  Academic advisors may find that employing the six stages of the Public Achievement model can empower students who find themselves in this “Sunken Place.”

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retention, collaboration, academic support, advising theory, student motivation, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, Dene Roseburr-Olotu
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Just as we expect our students to fulfill the promise they made to the institution by working hard toward graduation, we as an institution must strive to fulfill the promise we make to every student that, regardless of the difficulties they face academically or personally, we will help them reach graduation and develop into mature, intellectually curious and capable adults.

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retention, academic support, at-risk students, probation, student motivation, advising strategy, encouraging students, persistence, John Burdick, Tony Chiaravelotti, Alice Martin
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Research suggests that mental health and academic performance are positively correlated. Advisors are not expected to provide mental health counseling to students, but they would be remiss to ignore the impact of psychological issues and mental health on students’ experience, performance, and success. While treating students for mental health concerns may be beyond advisors’ scope, there are some ways in which they can address the issues.

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decision-making, retention, empathy, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, stress, academic support, advising theory, student motivation, persistence, Angelia Lomax

Nontraditional student enrollment continues to make up a large portion of undergraduate student populations on both traditional college campuses and in the distance-learning sector. Institutions that wish to retain and help their adult learners be successful will need to be aware of the nontraditonals’ time and effort limitations and provide ways to support them academically to facilitate completion.

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retention, graduation rates, academic support, student motivation, encouraging students, persistence, adult learners, Genta Stanfield

The high-involvement intervention model encourages developmental advising by providing students with an opportunity to gain knowledge and maintain ownership of their decisions and experiences, while at the same time allowing advisors to become an integral part of student success and development.

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retention, communication, build relationships, at-risk students, dismissal, probation, advising strategy, persistence, Anna Lincoln, Natalia Musgrove, Lynwood R. Johnson

By accessing available student data store in institution’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, the athletics department at Nicholls State University was able to share with the coaching staff important and time sensitive information at critical and relevant points in the semester. In an effort to replicate the athletics department success, an initiative began to implement this strategy within an academic college, where data points were accessed and then reported to department chairs and faculty advisors to provide relevant data for a more intrusive advising approach with students who appear on these lists.

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retention, communication, student athletes, academic support, at-risk students, advising strategy, technology, encouraging students, referrals, Lori Richard

When academic advisors collaborate with institutional research professionals on their campuses for such an endeavor, it is important to move beyond the data which is readily available to institutional researchers to find sufficient data points for academic advisors to determine where to focus their student mentoring efforts.

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proactive advising, research, retention, stress, academic support, at-risk students, probation, encouraging students, persistence, advising research, Meg Wright Sidle, Megan Childress

With the student at the center of The University of Texas at Tyler’s efforts, Persistence and Retention Teams have been implemented to streamline employee communication to diminish the silo effect and find resolutions to student issues as efficiently as possible.

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proactive advising, research, retention, stress, academic support, at-risk students, probation, technology, encouraging students, persistence, advising research, Douglas Vardeman

For decades, higher ed institutions have been pondering how to improve retention and degree completion rates. And yet, in spite of all kinds of programs and centers and initiatives, few have really moved the needle much in the right direction. In the search for the easy answer to a complex question: How can we help our students persist?, institutions have overlooked the fact that we have been asking the wrong question all along. The revision should read: How can we help our student persist? And we need to ask it thousands of times.

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retention, communication, build relationships, graduation rates, academic support, at-risk students, preparedness, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, active listening, learning outcomes, Spight

Two of the greatest barriers to implementing high-quality early intervention programs are the challenges of generating faculty buy-in and determining a reliable set of predictors. Advisors may be uniquely qualified to serve as intervention agents due to the relationships they form with students, often beginning at orientation.

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retention, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, student motivation, advising strategy, digital, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising research, Dial, McKeown

Academic advisors are witnessing a growing population of students that identify as first generation. These students need validation that they belong in a university setting and that their degree is attainable.

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intrusive advising, proactive advising, retention, rapport, communication, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, cultural differences, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Kelci Kosin
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2

On campus, student retention is everyone’s responsibility, and over the last decade, early alert initiatives have become incredibly buzzworthy. The authors offer reasons why academic advisors are best suited to respond to early alert notifications with at-risk students.

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retention, Mike Dial, Paige McKeown, at-risk

The emphasis on retention has become an even greater focus and concern for many institutions across the country as students question the logistics of attending classes in the midst of a pandemic. The why statement challenges students to think about their purpose and their motivation to pursue their declared major.

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retention, Kelci Kosin
Posted in: 2021 March 44:1
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.