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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for 'Leigh'


Advisors are vital members of a larger team made up of faculty and staff who collectively are responsible for creating a dynamic learning environment that is responsive to the unique understandings and goals of each student.

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role of advisor, Douglas Estry

Our advising exchanges can be more than one-sided interactions; consider moving beyond a discussion on the conversation spectrum and closer towards dialogue. Even if we can’t engage in a true dialogue for all of our advising appointments, there are some aspects of dialogue advisors can use regularly to improve the quality of conversations with advisees.

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communication, active listening, Anna Mitchell McLeod

It is in advisors’ offices where students discover how that education will enrich them, not only as they start along their career paths, but in ways they never expected throughout their lives.

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reflection, role of advisor, Liberal Arts, Julie Givans

Disability services staff members are often seen as “disability experts,” yet these same professionals may or may not be “advising experts.” As such, it is imperative that academic advisors strive to achieve competency in advising all students, including those with disabilities. The ability to adequately advise all students – to include those with disabilities – could be termed inclusive advising. 

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advisor competencies, disabilities, Nikki Allen Dyer

Over the past year, full time and faculty advisors have had an opportunity to meet in informal settings at the state, regional and national conferences to discuss areas of concern in advising Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students. During these discussions, advisors have identified many challenges that confront them when advising this designated population. Some of these challenges will be addressed in the following discussion.

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career advising, major choice, STEM, Margaret Steele, Peg Steele

However, based on my research, I would add a supplemental advising approach that incorporates aspects of Bandura’s (1989) four sources of self-efficacy.

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build relationships, career advising, at-risk students, active listening, Ranee Boyd Tomlin
While many different types of workers think during their jobs, the primary purpose of a knowledge worker’s job is the creation, distribution, or application of knowledge. Academic advisors are the type of knowledge worker who learn and distribute information. 

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advising director, David Freitag

The Diversity Committee and the Emerging Leaders Development Team are pleased to announce the 2008-2010 NACADA Emerging Leaders and Mentors.

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Emerging Leaders Program

As our world becomes a global community, the significance of producing globally-competent citizens is turning into a hot topic on university and college campuses. As academic advisors move away from a “service”-oriented role to that of a “teacher”, we also need to fulfill our duty in the name of critical pedagogy.

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international, Global Community, Yung-Hwa Anna Chow

It is my honor and pleasure to serve as NACADA’s President this coming year as the Association celebrates its 30th Anniversary...I look forward to my term as President this year while our Association pays particular attention to a number of critical and exciting areas.

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news, Casey Self
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