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Entries for 'Joshua Larson'

Because technologies are nearly an infinite resource in today’s world, finding cool technologies is easy but relatively unimportant to student success. It is more important that advisors understand how, why, and when to implement technology in advising.

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technology, Joshua Larson, learning outcomes

Given the current lack of research on the academic advising field and profession, if advisors do not pick up the banner, what are the implications? The authors offer suggestions on how to get started with research in advising.

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research, Jason Barkemeyer, Joshua Larson, Anna Adams, research group, advising research
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

The author contends that gathering data for outcomes assessment or research does not have to be complicated, mysterious, or difficult.

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decision-making, communication, advisor competencies, academic support, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, active listening, Joshua Larson, advising research, encouraging
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