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Entries for 'learning outcomes'


An advising portfolio provides a rich and diverse way to document advising expertise. Portfolio use is increasingly prevalent in higher education. Student portfolios are used to demonstrate that students have met the desired outcomes of a given major or program. Faculty use teaching portfolios to illustrate their mastery when they apply for promotion or tenure. Universities create portfolios for a number of purposes and audiences—such as accreditation or student recruitment. Portfolios provide flexibility; advisors can use both quantitative and qualitative measures and can customize their portfolio to fit their particular advising situation. So using a portfolio to document advising performance puts advisors in the mainstream of assessment activities which are becoming more demanding as well as more sophisticated in their call for accountability.

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professional development, assessment, learning outcomes, advising philosophy, advising competencies, Taye Vowell, Janet Wallett-Ortiz

Many institutions struggle to integrate accreditation criteria for assessment with their efforts to improve and enhance programs for their students. In this climate, the interest in and need for assessment of our students’ academic advising experiences has become a major issue on our campuses.

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Charlie Nutt, assessment, mission statement, learning outcomes

Ultimately, assessment is about understanding and improving. In this regard, the assessment process provides a systematic way through which information about student learning and program effectiveness can be obtained. Done in the collective and continuous way intended, the assessment process provides a systemic way to use that information to support improvements in student learning and the advising process. In the end, assessment is systematic, systemic, and relational; there are steps to the process; the process is intentional in the gathering of evidence to support improvement in learning and process; and all of the steps within the process are inextricably intertwined.

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assessment, learning outcomes, Susan Campbell

Suzanne M. Trump (Assistant Dean of Retention and Academic Advising, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia) and Janet Spence (Director, University-Wide Advising Practice, Office of the Provost/Undergraduate Affairs, University of Louisville) share what they gained from the NACADA Administrators’ and Assessment Institutes.

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research, professional development, communication, collaboration, advisor training, advising workshops, learning outcomes, Suzanne Trump, Janet Spence
Each year, tens of thousands of college students across the United States are placed on probation as a result of the low grades they earned during the previous term. Regardless of class standing, no students—freshmen through seniors—are immune to academic performance issues. Even the most academically talented students with impressive academic credentials often find themselves struggling for the first time when they enroll in college. Reasons for student academic difficulties are not impossible to address or remedy. However, colleges and universities struggle with developing and implementing effective programs to assist students on probation. In addition, advisors have experienced difficulty locating resources that adequately address the specific needs of this student population. So what can advisors do to overcome their own frustration at working with this challenging population while at the same time assisting students to achieve academic success?

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academic support, probation, student motivation, advising approaches, encouraging students, learning outcomes, Jon Steingass, Seth Sykes
Posted in: 2006 June 29:2
As we move into the 21st century, we find ourselves in a time when our educational system is plagued with a high number of dropouts and many students who complete college lack important skill sets. We also know that the U.S. is falling behind other countries in developing the workforce needed to sustain our communities. As higher education professionals, we must commit to implementing programs that focus on student learning outcomes.

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theory to practice, communication, collaboration, role of advisor, academic support, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, learning outcomes, advising philosophy, Jennifer Wimbish
At their October 21, 2006 meeting, the NACADA Board of Directors approved the proposed NACADA Concept of Academic Advising Statement....NACADA is pleased to provide this new resource to our members and encourages you all to utilize the Concept of Academic Advising as you work on your campuses. 

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collaboration, advising theory, advising strategy, advising approaches, learning outcomes, advising philosophy
The highly decentralized advising system at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) makes it difficult to gain a reliable view of the effectiveness of advising on campus. In response to the developing emphasis on campus toward assessment, a team of advisors was asked to lead an initiative to address this need. As representatives of the UAB advising community, we were asked by the administrators of our institution to attend the 2005 NACADA Assessment of Academic Advising Institute to begin the assessment process. Although we were from three different units, we were able to utilize our campus wide Committee on Academic Advising (CAA) to provide the structure for this project. The result of our two-year effort is a comprehensive approach to assessment that will be implemented university wide.

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research, professional development, collaboration, assessment, advising workshops, learning outcomes, Louise Cecil, Sharon Jacobson, Deborah Littleton

One acronym strikes fear into many in the south-QEP. The QEP or Quality Enhancement Plan is a requirement for reaffirmation of accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). This is how one college, with NACADA 's help, survived and thrived during its QEP journey.

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proactive advising, research, collaboration, academic support, advising strategy, NACADA, assessment, learning outcomes, Amy Tilly
Ernie Pascarella and I have now reviewed nearly 35 years of research on how college affects students (Pascarella & Terenzini, 1991, 2005), and it seems entirely reasonable to ask: 'Well, what did you learn, and so what?' Two sets of conclusions come to mind, one about how students learn and the other (more speculative) about how colleges shape that learning.

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theory, research, advising theory, student motivation, learning outcomes, Patrick Terenzini
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
College administrators and faculty are responsible for making academic, programmatic and financial decisions that can greatly impact an advising program. The practice of academic advising can be misunderstood by those who do not function in an advising role. Thus, it is essential that advisors interpret the ‘story’ of an advising program in ways that are informative and of interest to decision makers.

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research, communication, role of advisor, advising strategy, advising approaches, advising environment, learning outcomes, advising skills, advising competencies, Gail Stepina
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2
Are the training and development programs at your institution lecture heavy? Do participants nod off? Do their eyes glaze over as they listen to yet another talking head? While lecture is easy, it may not be effective. Research and experience have shown there are more effective means to reach audiences. Advisor training and development programs lay the foundation for quality academic advising and enhance the image and reputation of academic advising on campus. How faculty and staff advisors feel about advisor training and development influence how they feel about advising in general. Active training methods out perform lecture for learning and enhance the overall reputation of academic advising at the institutional level.

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advisor training, advising workshops, learning outcomes, advising skills, Amy Aufdembrink
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

Today’s college students are the most diverse advisors have ever encountered; with that diversity comes the need to design advising experiences to meet certain fundamental goals while simultaneously ensuring that advising materials, delivery methods and interpersonal communication are accessible and meaningful to each student. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) offers advisors a framework for designing and delivering high-quality advising to students with varying backgrounds and learning styles. This article will first lay out some background about UDL, then focus on applying its principles in advising contexts.

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advising approaches, learning outcomes, Robert Hurt
The NACADA Core Values challenge advisors to “help students establish realistic goals and objectives and encourage them to be responsible for their own progress and success” (NACADA, 2004). As advisors, we know that helping students to set goals and to monitor their progress assists them with achieving their desired educational outcomes....How might we define desirable learning outcomes for study abroad participants? Categorizing learning outcomes into three areas can help students determine realistic goals for their study abroad.

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academic support, encouraging students, learning outcomes, Jodi Malmgren

E-portfolios are an increasingly important part of the college experience and can be a fundamental means for the documentation of advising outcomes....Academic advising should become a vital portion within the increasing number of e-portfolio programs. Recognizing that advising is teaching, NACADA members have promoted the advising syllabus as a means to identify learning outcomes students can attain through the advising process. The e-portfolio contributes to the achievement of numerous learning goals. Therefore, advisors should consider how the activities and expectations that make up advising syllabi can be connected to and facilitated by electronic portfolios. The possibilities are ripe for study and experimentation.

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collaboration, preparedness, technology, advising approaches, learning outcomes, Kathleen Ward
Posted in: 2008 June 31:2

If academic advising is a form teaching, what do advisors teach?

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advisor competencies, learning outcomes, Amy Lance
Posted in: 2009 June 32:2
Because technologies are nearly an infinite resource in today’s world, finding cool technologies is easy but relatively unimportant to student success. It is more important that advisors understand how, why, and when to implement technology in advising.

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technology, Joshua Larson, learning outcomes
Assessing academic advising is critical for any institution that wishes to improve advising services for students and create a culture that values academic advising

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collaboration, assessment, David von Miller, learning outcomes

The fight or flight instinct is not unique to students or academic stress, but it might not be a connection the students have previously made. When advisors recognize the link between this biological instinct and student behavior, they can better educate, mentor, and guide students to a healthier and more productive response to stressful situations.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, academic support, procrastination, financial aid, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising environment, learning outcomes, Christina Curley, role of adv

As with any profession, academic advising requires training, but institutions often struggle to identify a centralized resource or approach for implementing advisor training.  With obstacles of limited financial support, workloads stretched beyond capacity, and autonomous centers with disparate advising structures, advisor training has been a challenge for many institutions. The authors offer their advisor training as a potential model for other institutions.

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theory, theory to practice, professional development, rapport, communication, collaboration, role of advisor, advising theory, ethical approaches, ethics, advising approaches, professionalism, new advisor, learning outcomes, Megan Wuebker, Angela Cook

The author finds that the use of collaborative note writing changes the one directional aspect of advising notes while staying true to the original purpose.

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rapport, communication, collaboration, career advising, reflection, academic support, advising theory, student motivation, advising strategy, assessment, advising approaches, encouraging students, active listening, learning outcomes, Bret Hirsch

Advisors recognize that students with different enrollment patterns may have different goals and need different types of support.  Knowledge of these enrollment patterns can influence conversations with students to help create both short- and long-term plans.

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retention, communication, build relationships, first year students, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, financial aid, community relationships, digital, encouraging students, learning outcomes, distance, Sandra Avalos, Kelly Brigges, Mechelle Martinez

One of the hardest things advisors face is the notion that they cannot always be the hero.  As advisors, we want to help and we want to make things as easy as possible.  Yet, there are so many things that are just beyond our control.

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decision-making, professional development, build relationships, role of advisor, academic support, dismissal, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, conflict resolution, learning outcomes, Vince Hernandez, stud

The benefits of excellent academic advising for students warrant new and creative approaches; the authors utilize pre-advising reflective writing to improve student learning and success.  

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build relationships, reflection, student motivation, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, self-authorship, Liberal Arts, learning outcomes, Karl Wirth, Adrienne Christiansen

The author is “better equipped with effective tools and resources to enhance the academic advising experience” following her attendance at the 2018 NACADA Assessment Institute.

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professional development, advisor competencies, advisor training, advising strategy, assessment, advising workshops, advising approaches, learning outcomes, Seeta Rees

While students routinely report that the primary reason they attend college is to get a better job, few start with the end in mind. If academic advisors are to better engage students in career advising curriculum, they must weave it into all advising. This integration is difficult, but possible.

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professional development, career advising, advisor training, role of advisor, preparedness, advising strategy, learning outcomes, Billie Streufert
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Faculty members fill many roles at the institution, but while they are experts in their field of study, they typically receive little training or preparation to serve as mentor, coach, or advisor to students. A team of primary-role advisors and advising administrators at Penn State developed a foundational on-line course designed to help the faculty advisor understand the advising role.

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research, professional development, communication, advisor competencies, advisor training, faculty advisors, Terry Musser, advising research, learning outcomes, Dawn Coder, Julia Glover

For decades, higher ed institutions have been pondering how to improve retention and degree completion rates. And yet, in spite of all kinds of programs and centers and initiatives, few have really moved the needle much in the right direction. In the search for the easy answer to a complex question: How can we help our students persist?, institutions have overlooked the fact that we have been asking the wrong question all along. The revision should read: How can we help our student persist? And we need to ask it thousands of times.

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retention, communication, build relationships, graduation rates, academic support, at-risk students, preparedness, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, active listening, learning outcomes, Spight

An advising program’s mission statement is the guiding principle that should be at the back of an advisor’s mind as they enter every student interaction.  The author describes a five-step process to write mission statements.

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theory to practice, professional development, collaboration, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, mission statement, learning outcomes, Schaffling

As a scholarship recipient for the 2019 NACADA Assessment Institute, the author gained new, applicable knowledge, and her team made great progress in identifying next steps for their assessment work during their time at the Institute.

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professional development, personal philosophy, advising theory, advising strategy, assessment, advising workshops, professionalism, learning outcomes, DelMar

Notes are instrumental for student success and instructors understand that, but do academic advisors?

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communication, student motivation, advising strategy, encouraging students, active listening, learning outcomes, James Wicks
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) major requirements are unique; advising students in these fields requires unique approaches, supports, and resources.

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build relationships, advisor competencies, nursing students, STEM, peer mentors, advising theory, advising strategy, encouraging students, learning outcomes, Charmatz, Lindsay Crawford
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.