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Entries for 'research group'

In early 2006, the NACADA Advising Graduate and Professional Students Commission achieved a milestone when it completed a comprehensive survey of its Commission membership. The results were both expected and surprising, with certain trends transcending the small confines of our very specialized group and adding further details to the state of the advising profession in general. On the broadest level, the findings show that we are overwhelmingly female, well educated, not very well paid, and rather poorly trained. Yet, we like our work.

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research, advising environment, research group, Kati Markowitz, Judith Goetz
Posted in: 2007 June 30:2

Given the current lack of research on the academic advising field and profession, if advisors do not pick up the banner, what are the implications? The authors offer suggestions on how to get started with research in advising.

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research, Jason Barkemeyer, Joshua Larson, Anna Adams, research group, advising research
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

The authors discuss an initiative developed to fill a gap in professional development opportunities available to the academic advisors at their institution.

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research, professional development, rapport, communication, collaboration, build relationships, graduation rates, reflection, advisor training, community relationships, advising workshops, digital, research group, advising research, Michael Harper, Andrew Smith, teacher

Implementing a successful outcomes assessment plan, particularly one that assesses learning and performance across campus units, is a big undertaking.  The authors consider ten essential, intangible elements of any successful outcomes assessment endeavor.

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decision-making, research, professional development, communication, collaboration, build relationships, advisor competencies, community relationships, assessment, common reading, mission statement, research group, advising research, Jaimie Haider, Ashley Moir

In August 2017, the field of academic advising lost a champion with the passing of recent NACADA Journal co-editor Leigh S. Shaffer.  Leigh, a recognized scholar in his field of social psychology, authored or co-authored 11 peer-reviewed articles for the NACADA Journal, more than any other author in the Journal’s history.  

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news, research, build relationships, history, research group, advising research, death, dealing with death, Craig McGill, Marsha Miller, grieving
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The authors contend that with the increasing focus on data-driven decision making, advisors must strengthen their scholarly backgrounds to effectively engage in the administrative landscape and ensure advising efficacy and support.

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theory, research, collaboration, role of advisor, theoretical reflections, advising theory, critical thinking, research group, advising research, Kiana Shiroma, Jennifer Brown, Michael Kirk-Kuwaye

Scholarly production and practice-sharing can be a great challenge for advising practitioner-scholars as the demands of advising practice far outweigh the time available for developing research ideas and writing for the purpose of disseminating best practices to the field. Connection with others in the field can also be a barrier. The NACADA Virtual Idea Development Group is one writing support endeavor within the overall NACADA Writing Group initiative that seeks to develop and nurture academic writing skills.

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mentoring, research, professional development, communication, advisor training, advising theory, research group, advising research, Ashlock, Hay, Herstek, Kersey, MacLean, Price-Williams
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.