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Entries for 'Liz Freedman'


Everyone grieves, yet when encountering a grieving student, academic advisors may feel helpless.  The author suggests tools that can be used can regardless of where the students are along their grief journey.

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decision-making, dealing with death, grieving, Liz Freedman
Posted in: 2017 June 40:2

The Bepko Learning Center at IUPUI houses a one-on-one peer-coaching program in which academically successful students are paired with their peers in order to aid them in achieving academic success. Coaches mentor other students on how to be successful in college—whether that means learning study techniques, creating weekly schedules, or setting long-term goals.

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mentoring, theory to practice, communication, advisor competencies, advisor training, peer mentors, advising theory, advising strategy, peer advising, Liz Freedman, Maria Makeever, Katie Weller
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