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Entries for 'peer mentors'

Peer advising continues to grow in undergraduate programs (Koring and Campbell, 2005, p. 9). Despite this, little research has been devoted to outcomes of peer advising or student satisfaction with the process. What research has been done indicates that peer advising has positive outcomes in terms of student involvement, academic achievement and retention (Koring and Campbell, 2005). Nelson and Fonzi (1995) discovered that 80% of students who participate in a peer advising program find the process to be satisfactory, but they do not specify the terms of satisfaction (p. 42).

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mentoring, build relationships, first year students, peer mentors, peer advising, Heidi Koring
Due to increasing student populations and the constantly evolving nature of student needs, more and more institutions are establishing peer advising programs...two current peer advisors share personal testimony to the experiences and strengths they have gained throughout their time as a peer advisor.

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peer mentors, peer advising, Lynn Zabel, Sara Rothberger
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2

As advisors, it is important to consider the culture of the out-of-state student population at our institutions. Are out-of-state students a minority population? What are the retention rates of these students? Are there any current programs or initiatives that exist to support out-of-state students? By answering these questions, advisors can determine if this programming model can be adapted to fit the needs of their institution.

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retention, first year students, academic support, peer mentors, Jenna Nobili, Emily Jensen, living-learning communities, out-of-state students, housing and residence life
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2

Psychology Peer Advising (PPA) began at James Madison University in 1991 in response to the growing integrity of peer advising programs in practice and in the literature. Since its founding, the peer advising program has transitioned from a student organization to a paraprofessional practicum experience.

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mentoring, advisor training, peer mentors, advising strategy, peer advising, advising approaches, Kimberly DuVall, Ashley Rininger, Alec Sliman

The Bepko Learning Center at IUPUI houses a one-on-one peer-coaching program in which academically successful students are paired with their peers in order to aid them in achieving academic success. Coaches mentor other students on how to be successful in college—whether that means learning study techniques, creating weekly schedules, or setting long-term goals.

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mentoring, theory to practice, communication, advisor competencies, advisor training, peer mentors, advising theory, advising strategy, peer advising, Liz Freedman, Maria Makeever, Katie Weller

Black women advisors may experience the field of academic advising quite differently than their male and White peers. Sista circles have played a vital role in lives of Black women for over 150 years, providing a safe supportive space for them to seek help, encouragement, knowledge, and support in issues that impact them.

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mentoring, professional development, rapport, empathy, communication, build relationships, peer mentors, cultural differences, advising space, advising environment, Elia Tamplin
Posted in: 2019 March 42:1

Academic advisors come from different lived experiences, educational, and professional backgrounds. Considering the multitude of paths coming into the field, it is essential to work with new advisors to support them through their transition into the advising field and retain them for the future of the field.

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professional development, build relationships, advisor training, peer mentors, advising approaches, new advisor, Rafael R. Almanzar, Kelsie Poe
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2

Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) major requirements are unique; advising students in these fields requires unique approaches, supports, and resources.

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build relationships, advisor competencies, nursing students, STEM, peer mentors, advising theory, advising strategy, encouraging students, learning outcomes, Charmatz, Lindsay Crawford
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1
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