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Voices of the Global Community


For advisors at research universities, one important framework for advising students and their parents often goes unused, and that is the research mission of the institution.

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advising strategy, advising approaches, advising environment, Britt Andreatta

While academic advisors can, and do, provide guidance and the occasional shoulder, advisors cannot serve as a substitute for the camaraderie and support that comes from a fellow student, someone who is in the trenches.

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peer advising, adult learners, Lisa Peck

Academic advisors should work closely with their global education/study abroad/international programs office to stay on top of the Bologna reforms and how these reforms impact advising at their schools.

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international, global university, Rose Begalla

Foster Care Alumni are an often overlooked student subgroup within the First Generation student population.

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at-risk students, first generation students, Chris Bennett Klefeker

Advisors play such an essential role in a college student’s experience.  We are a teacher, a guide, a coach, a case manager, and an attorney all rolled up into one.  We are presented with cases, complaints, and offenses all the time. However, before we make our closing arguments, before we are ready to rule, I believe that we should first take the time to dig.

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academic support, at-risk students, active listening, Alison Chandler

If the cure for apathy has anything to do with its antonym, then the best way we can overcome this epidemic is to increase our activism, vigor, and purpose. It is a daunting task, but as professional and faculty advisors, we can reverse the effects of apathy in order to strengthen our institutions and promote student retention and success.

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collaboration, at-risk students, advising strategy, common reading, underprepared students, Nikol Luther

While advisors often encourage students to become lifelong learners, they themselves are often so strapped for time that they shortchange their own lifelong learning pursuits. Fortunately, there are cost-effective options that advising administrators can use to promote lifelong learning.

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professional development, reflection, Jennifer Bloom, Bryant Hutson, Ye He

While there may be much discussion among advisors regarding the “what,” “why,” and “how” of advising, there is agreement on one point: there is a greater demand for advising than there are advisors to meet it. That, combined with the very real economic challenges facing most institutions and growing advising caseloads, finds advisors considering alternative ways to meet student needs. One popular approach for dealing with this challenge is group advising.

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advising strategy, advising approaches, Becky Ryan
Posted in: 2010 March 33:1

We hope that all NACADA members will think of themselves as diamonds in a vast backyard—a world-wide network of advising professionals. You are the change makers both on your own campuses and among your students. We urge you to inspire and be inspired. 

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news, Kathy Stockwell, Jayne Drake
Posted in: 2010 March 33:1

As we continue to deal with decreased funding and increased student numbers, the issue of student success grows more important to our administrators, our students, and our public constituencies. Because student success is so often measured by retention and persistence to graduation, it is essential that advisors and advising administrators continue to grow in our knowledge, talents, and skills through continuing professional development.

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Charlie Nutt, news
Posted in: 2010 March 33:1
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Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.