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Entries for 'grieving'


Some people fare better than others when faced with life stressors, disasters and loss. Resilience has been identified as a fundamental explanation for this difference.

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academic support, encouraging students, grieving, dealing with death, Robert Johnson

In times of tragedy, students look to their advisors for answers. If we have established trusting relationships, our offices can be a refuge. Taking time to talk, listen, be quiet and, if appropriate, suggest counseling, can make all the difference.

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Christina McIntyre, death, grieving, dealing with death, student loss
Posted in: 2013 March 36:1

The author shares his own experience with academically grieving students and a process to identify such students.

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rapport, empathy, communication, role of advisor, student motivation, advising approaches, active listening, grieving, academic support, Rathan Kersey
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Occasionally, students enter their advising session with personal baggage to share with their advisor that detours the conversation away from the normal advising issues.  Knowledge of psychological first aid (PFA) give advisors tools to support students who are striving to overcome a traumatically challenging situation before making a referral to another support resource on or off campus.

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empathy, communication, build relationships, advisor training, stress, academic support, at-risk students, encouraging students, active listening, death, grieving, dealing with death, student loss, Cindy Firestein
Posted in: 2019 June 42:2
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