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Entries for 'financial aid'

It is not realistic to expect every academic advisor to know the particulars about the financial aid world. However, when it comes to dealing with students whose aid is jeopardized or lost because of previous academic performance, advisors at both public and private institutions should be able to discuss all of the ramifications so that students are able to make informed decisions about these potentially life-altering matters.

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role of advisor, stress, academic support, at-risk students, probation, financial aid, Andrea Harris, Chris Maroldo, advising skills, advising competencies, proactive advising

Although most advisors are not trained financial aid counselors, it is important that we have a general understanding of available financial resources if we are to refer students to the proper “expert.”

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advisor training, financial aid, Joe Murray, Hannah Yang
Posted in: 2010 June 33:2

Undocumented students...are attending colleges and universities in increasing numbers, and they are an under-recognized demographic. This article identifies available resources for these students to assist advisors in producing educated members of society, regardless of legal status.

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undocumented students, admissions, financial aid, Michelle Sotolongo
Posted in: 2012 June 35:2

The fight or flight instinct is not unique to students or academic stress, but it might not be a connection the students have previously made. When advisors recognize the link between this biological instinct and student behavior, they can better educate, mentor, and guide students to a healthier and more productive response to stressful situations.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, academic support, procrastination, financial aid, advising theory, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising environment, learning outcomes, Christina Curley, role of adv

Advisors recognize that students with different enrollment patterns may have different goals and need different types of support.  Knowledge of these enrollment patterns can influence conversations with students to help create both short- and long-term plans.

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retention, communication, build relationships, first year students, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, financial aid, community relationships, digital, encouraging students, learning outcomes, distance, Sandra Avalos, Kelly Brigges, Mechelle Martinez

Students who do not meet minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements are generally placed on an academic warning or probationary status that is often universally applied to all students and administrated by faculty or advisors.  However, each students’ reasons for missing this academic mark are unique.  Regular connection with an advisor can be very impactful and meaningful to students because they are able to articulate their obstacles to someone in an open dialogue.

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communication, stress, academic support, at-risk students, dismissal, probation, financial aid, conflict resolution, referrals, Maureen McCoy
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

HBCUs have been leaders in producing and leading African American students toward health professions. Advisors must recognize HBCUs like a catalyst for change and bastion of future health professionals that need to be cultivated and mentored.

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proactive advising, communication, build relationships, career advising, academic support, financial aid, cultural capital, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, first generation students, Terrance R. Eubanks II

Given the critically important role of good advising, how can universities create an advising platform where advisors can readily share their best practices and access resources? One potential solution involves an Advisor Hub.

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professional development, financial aid, advising strategy, technology, digital, advising approaches, professionalism, advising environment, distance, Leora Waldner, Lane Boyte-Eckis, Hal Fulmer
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2
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