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Entries for 'digital'


Today’s students use technologies to explore their world in entirely new ways. With these new technologies they speak an entirely different language, one they expect us to understand... Our students look to us to incorporate these new technologies into our advising practice. 

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advisor competencies, technology, digital, Brad Cunningham

Members of the Academic Advising Today Editorial Team have been innovative digital citizens interested in advancing NACADA’s role in the larger digital community, and the current group has been discussing what changes might be needed to keep the ePub current...

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history, technology, digital, Leigh Cunningham

The authors discuss an initiative developed to fill a gap in professional development opportunities available to the academic advisors at their institution.

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research, professional development, rapport, communication, collaboration, build relationships, graduation rates, reflection, advisor training, community relationships, advising workshops, digital, research group, advising research, Michael Harper, Andrew Smith, teacher

The authors contend that it is important to provide high quality online advising services that allow for comprehensive, face-to-face interactions with students, even when those students are off campus.  With limited resources and demands on time, it is also critical to design an online advising option that is sustainable long-term.

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professional development, communication, build relationships, advisor training, academic support, advising theory, advising strategy, advising workshops, technology, digital, advising approaches, advising research, Darcie Anderson Mueller, Amy Meyer

Advisors recognize that students with different enrollment patterns may have different goals and need different types of support.  Knowledge of these enrollment patterns can influence conversations with students to help create both short- and long-term plans.

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retention, communication, build relationships, first year students, role of advisor, academic support, admissions, financial aid, community relationships, digital, encouraging students, learning outcomes, distance, Sandra Avalos, Kelly Brigges, Mechelle Martinez

Change is an inevitable part of higher education today, but as our students’ needs change, advisors will have to adapt to new technology platforms to provide better support.  Academic advisors can be dynamic agents of change.

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research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, advising strategy, technology, digital, professionalism, Zachary Underwood, Melinda Anderson
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The Dyson College Academic Advising Office at Pace University has made significant strides towards a full-on integration of technology and is consequently changing how students expect, and deserve, immediate attention to their requests. 

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research, professional development, academic support, advising strategy, digital, advising approaches, advising space, physical space, advising environment, Richard D. Miller III, Heather Calchera

Two of the greatest barriers to implementing high-quality early intervention programs are the challenges of generating faculty buy-in and determining a reliable set of predictors. Advisors may be uniquely qualified to serve as intervention agents due to the relationships they form with students, often beginning at orientation.

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retention, build relationships, academic support, at-risk students, student motivation, advising strategy, digital, advising approaches, encouraging students, advising research, Dial, McKeown

Enhancing student success, as the purview of academic advisors, is ever-evolving, and recent success has been generated through course management software, an electronic tool that traditionally provides important links between students and their instructors.

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decision-making, communication, role of advisor, digital, advisor competencies, Lori Richard
Posted in: 2020 March 43:1

The restructure of an academic advising program included three areas of focus: a review of like-online institutions, process mapping by a business analyst, and subject-matter expertise from current leadership and academic advisors.

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professional development, advising strategy, technology, digital, advising approaches, professionalism, advising environment, distance, Dawn Coder
Posted in: 2020 June 43:2
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