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Voices of the Global Community

Entries for February 2018


The NACADA Board of Directors has made it a priority to facilitate avenues for our members to provide feedback and input on the work of the Association.

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president, Amy Sannes
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

With the NACADA Winter Institutes and Seminar, the association elections, and the start of the Regional Conferences, NACADA in the Spring Time is always an exciting time.  Spring 2018 is no exception with several other exciting NACADA developments occurring as well!

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Charlie Nutt, executive director
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

In August 2017, the field of academic advising lost a champion with the passing of recent NACADA Journal co-editor Leigh S. Shaffer.  Leigh, a recognized scholar in his field of social psychology, authored or co-authored 11 peer-reviewed articles for the NACADA Journal, more than any other author in the Journal’s history.  

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news, research, build relationships, history, research group, advising research, death, dealing with death, Craig McGill, Marsha Miller, grieving
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The road to self-authorship—where an individual’s internal voice emerges and asserts its authority—begins with cognitive dissonance, perhaps even existential crisis, that challenges the individual’s assumptions about the self, social relationships, and the world.  This article considers advisors’ role in creating provocative moments.

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theory to practice, professional development, advisor training, advising theory, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, self-authorship, conflict resolution, Cecilia Lucero
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

First generation college students face a variety of social and conceptual barriers.  The author contends that, in attempting to gain a greater profundity of understanding regarding the experiences of FGCS, it may be helpful to examine the experiences of other student groups who may, to an extent, have overlapping or similar experiences. 

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academic support, at-risk students, cultural capital, cultural differences, student motivation, first generation students, Tadé Ayeni
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

With all the talk about helicopter parents and overparenting, it can be easy to forget that many parents have an incredible investment of time, love, money, and energy in their child’s education.  The authors gathered data from advisors on their perceptions of their interactions with parents and   asked for examples of effective strategies for working with parents.

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communication, parent relationships, advising strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, conflict resolution, active listening, Allison Ewing-Cooper, Kami Merrifield, parental involvement parents
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Most students intuitively know graduate programs differ from undergraduate programs; however, most cannot articulate how different they actually are or what those distinctions may be.  The authors contend that providing an orientation program is a vital component to the transition process.

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communication, critical thinking, encouraging students, Rebecca Hapes, graduate students, Rafael R. Almanzar, Gail Rowe
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Students who do not meet minimum grade point average (GPA) requirements are generally placed on an academic warning or probationary status that is often universally applied to all students and administrated by faculty or advisors.  However, each students’ reasons for missing this academic mark are unique.  Regular connection with an advisor can be very impactful and meaningful to students because they are able to articulate their obstacles to someone in an open dialogue.

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communication, stress, academic support, at-risk students, dismissal, probation, financial aid, conflict resolution, referrals, Maureen McCoy
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Change is an inevitable part of higher education today, but as our students’ needs change, advisors will have to adapt to new technology platforms to provide better support.  Academic advisors can be dynamic agents of change.

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research, professional development, advisor training, role of advisor, academic support, advising strategy, technology, digital, professionalism, Zachary Underwood, Melinda Anderson
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The author shares his own experience with academically grieving students and a process to identify such students.

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rapport, empathy, communication, role of advisor, student motivation, advising approaches, active listening, grieving, academic support, Rathan Kersey
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Students may be like Odysseus: full of dreams, interests, fears, and confusions, ready to begin their academic, personal, social, and developmental wanderings.  Graduation, much like Ithaca, is the desired destination.  Advisors, like the Goddess Athena, need wisdom, knowledge, resources, and authenticity to help student find the right paths during their wanderings.

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theory to practice, communication, advising theory, advising strategy, teaching strategy, critical thinking, advising approaches, encouraging students, Efrosini Hortis
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Over the last six years, new cohorts of mentors and protégés (new advisors) have entered the program to aid in their personal and professional development at Temple University.

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mentoring, professional development, collaboration, build relationships, advisor training, advising workshops, professionalism, new advisor, Gavin Farber
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The 49er Finish Program at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has been actively pursuing its stop out students for over 10 years, catering to adult learners who are seeking to finish what they started.  Tactics are threefold: personalized marketing, support services, and institutional enhancements.

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build relationships, academic support, student motivation, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, persistence, adult learners, Eileen Snyder, Leana Zona
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

With the expansion of China’s higher education since 1998, more and more academic advisors are needed to work with Chinese undergraduates.  Understanding their sophisticated social culture values is the first and necessary step for advisors in and out of China.

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communication, high achieving, honors, advising theory, cultural capital, cultural differences, preparedness, advising strategy, advising approaches, encouraging students, Yisi Zhan
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

The author, a relatively new advisor, shares his introductory experience into the NACADA Summer Institute learning community.

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professional development, build relationships, advisor training, community relationships, advising workshops, summer institute, Michael McDaniel
Posted in: 2018 March 41:1

Complete editions of AAT are provided to facilitate one-touch capability, but readers are encouraged to view the individual articles and provide feedback to authors.

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Posted in: 2018 March 41:1
Academic Advising Today, a NACADA member benefit, is published four times annually by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising. NACADA holds exclusive copyright for all Academic Advising Today articles and features. For complete copyright and fair use information, including terms for reproducing material and permissions requests, see Publication Guidelines.